10 Adorable Cat Breeds That Act Like Dogs

Amerigo_images / Shutterstock.com
Most cats are known for their independence, aloofness, and discerning tastes in food and company. So cat breeds that act like dogs stand out in the cat kingdom. Their canine counterparts are frequently outgoing, demanding of attention, and happy to do whatever their humans want.
If that sounds like the perfect pet for you, read on to meet 10 cat breeds that act like dogs.
Why Do Some Cats Act Like Dogs?
Cats need plenty of love, care, and attention, but they are generally thought of as lower-maintenance pets than dogs. That may be because some cats aren’t overly needy and are content to hang out at home while you’re at work. But some cat breeds stray from that stereotype, and people often compare such cats to dogs.
Cat breeds that act like dogs still exhibit plenty of feline-specific traits, but they tend to be less independent, more cuddly, and more social. They might display some behaviors that are outside the norm of most cats, such as an interest in learning tricks.
“Many people often describe cats as ‘dog-like’ when they display traits like being sociable, playful, outgoing, and loyal,” said cat behavior expert Melina Grin, based in Sydney, Australia. “Cats that show a strong attachment to their owners, follow them around from room to room, enjoy playing fetch, are excellent at clicker training, and have an affinity for water are also considered to possess these dog-like qualities.”
Cat breeds that act like dogs might show some or all of the following dog-like traits:

Friendly and outgoing
Sociable with strangers
Very attached to owners
Greet you at the door
Come when you call
Like to play fetch
Highly intelligent
Enjoy learning tricks
Enjoy walking on a leash and harness
Like swimming or playing in water

10 Cat Breeds That Sometimes Behave Like Dogs
Any cat of any breed or mix might have dog-like traits, but some breeds are known for acting like dogs. Some popular cat breeds that act like dogs include:

#1 Abyssinian
Abyssinian cats are extremely affectionate and loyal pets. Oksana Bystritskaya / Shutterstock.com

The exotic-looking Abyssinian displays a unique ticked color pattern called agouti—each individual hair is ringed in alternating dark and light bands of color. The fine, silky, short coat comes in four colors (ruddy, cinnamon, blue, and fawn). Lean and athletic, these cats are often on the move, exploring, climbing, running, jumping, and playing. They like to be up high, and will scale bookcases or tall shelves where they have the perfect vantage point to survey their domain.
Abyssinians have a few special personality characteristics that have been described as dog-like. First, they are extremely social and just love being around people and playing with them. Abyssinians are highly intelligent and many enjoy learning fun tricks and going for walks on a leash and harness.

#2 American Bobtail
American Bobtails are very friendly and sociable cats. Mary McDonald / Shutterstock.com

With its natural bobtail, large paws, and hardy build, the American Bobtail looks wild, but this breed is 100% domestic. The all-weather double coat comes in two lengths—short and medium-long—and can be any color. Moderately active, the American Bobtails splits their time between exploration and play, and snuggling on the couch.
American Bobtails are often said to act like dogs because they are so friendly and outgoing. They love being in the middle of the family action and get along great with everyone, including kids and even dogs. These smart cats like to play fetch and some even enjoy leash walks outside.

#3 Bengal
Bengal cats are highly intelligent and enjoy learning tricks. Svetlana Rey / Shutterstock.com

If you think the Bengal cat looks wild, you’re half right. Bengals were developed by crossing domestic cats with a small wildcat species called the Asian leopard cat. The coat may be short or long, and some Bengals display prized markings called rosettes, similar to those seen on wild cats like jaguars and leopards.
Today’s pet Bengals act more like domestic cats than wild ones, but they are extremely active and very demanding of attention from their owners. Like dogs, Bengals will follow you from room to room, where they’re likely to climb to the highest place in each room they visit. They enjoy playing fetch and learning tricks. Unlike most cats, Bengals are quite interested in water, often playing in it (some Bengals even swim!).

#4 Birman
Birman cats are loving and loyal companions. Borkin Vadim / Shutterstock.com

The Birman is a gorgeous, pointed, semi-longhaired cat with stunning blue eyes and four white paws. Birman cats come in all pointed colors, including solid point, tortie point, tabby point, and silver or smoke point. The silky, single coat is luxurious, but it does not need huge amounts of grooming as it naturally resists matting. These cats are medium to large, with a heavily boned, well-muscled body.
Sweet, gentle, quiet, and very laid-back, the Birman will follow you everywhere you go, just like a devoted dog. Birmans are also very well-behaved and want to please you. They get along great with people of all ages, including gentle kids and other pets, whether feline or canine.

#5 Burmese
Burmese cats are playful and even enjoy fetching their toys. Ivanova N / Shutterstock.com

The Burmese cat is a medium-sized, muscular cat with a round head, round eyes, and a sweet expression. Its short, glossy coat feels like satin and comes in four colors: sable (rich dark brown), champagne (warm beige), platinum (pale gray with fawn undertones), and blue (medium gray with fawn undertones). Burmese eyes range from yellow to gold.
Burmese cats are well-known for retrieving toys in a game of fetch, something that’s usually associated with dogs more than cats. Other dog-like features of the Burmese include their high sociability—Burmese are extremely people-oriented and loyal. Burmese cats tend to get along with just about anyone, including children.

#6 Maine Coon
Maine Coon cats are known as Gentle Giants. Fayzulin Serg / Shutterstock.com

One of the largest cat breeds, the Maine Coon can weigh 20 pounds or more. However, these big cats are often called Gentle Giants thanks to their very friendly, easy-going personalities. Maine Coons have long, shaggy, weather-resistant coats that form a ruff around the neck like the mane of a lion. Many Main Coons also have furry ear tufts.
The Maine Coon is considered one of the most dog-like cat breeds due to its mellow nature and loyal tendency to hang out wherever the family is. One of the friendliest cat breeds, the Maine Coon gets along well with family, friends, and just about anyone. Maine Coons also famously like playing in water—some Maine Coons even swim!

#7 Manx
Some Manx cats play fetch and bury their toys. PradaBrown / Shutterstock.com

The Manx cat is a naturally tailless breed, although not all Manx are born with tails. Some Manx kittens have short, stumpy tails, and some have full-length tails. This breed has earned the nickname of “bunny cat” thanks to the combined visual effect of a rounded rump with no tail and hind legs that are longer than their front legs. The Manx has short hair—the longhaired variety is called the Cymric.
Manx might look a bit like bunnies, but they have personality traits similar to dogs. Many Manx like to play fetch, and some have even been known to bury their toys! Manx can also learn fun tricks, and they remain quite playful and kitten-like well into adulthood. Manx are also highly social, forming close bonds with their human families.

#8 Ragdoll
Ragdoll cats are one of the calmest breeds. madeinitaly4k / Shutterstock.com

The Ragdoll cat was named for its extra cuddly nature and its tendency to go limp in your arms like a ragdoll. The silky, semi-longhaired coat may be colorpoint, bicolor, or mitted in colors of seal, blue, chocolate, lilac, cinnamon, fawn, red, and cream. All Ragdolls have striking blue eyes. The fur is very silky and does not tend to mat.
One of the calmest cat breeds, the Ragdoll is quiet, friendly, and exceedingly laid-back and tolerant. These wonderful family companions mesh with people of all ages and enjoy being held and cuddled, making them the ultimate lap cats. When you’re on the move, they will follow you around the house much like a dog. Ragdolls are also extremely intelligent, and some like to play fetch.

#9 Siamese
Siamese are extremely affectionate and outgoing. vivver / Shutterstock.com

The Siamese cat is long, lean, muscular, and very elegant. It has a wedge-shaped head and large triangle ears. The sleek, short coat is pointed in seal, chocolate, blue, and lilac. All Siamese have deep blue, almond-shaped eyes.
Siamese cats are one of the smartest cat breeds. They can learn countless tricks, like sit, high-five, and even fetch. If you long for the company of an affectionate cat, the Siamese is the breed for you. They’ve earned the nickname “Velcro cats” for their intense desire to be close to you, at times even climbing on you and hugging you around your neck. A Siamese will greet you at the door and won’t let you out of their sight, chattering and yowling away to tell you all about their day.

#10 Sphynx
Many Sphynx enjoy wearing clothing because it keeps them warm. Elena Sherengovskaya / Shutterstock.com

The bald and wrinkled Sphynx cat is naturally hairless thanks to a genetic mutation. Though classified as hairless, most Sphynx have very fine peach-fuzz fur covering their soft skin. Because cats’ temperature runs hotter than humans, this makes a Sphynx feel a bit like a hot water bottle covered in soft velvet.
Affectionate and loyal, Sphynx cats want to be with you as much as possible, especially for a cuddle and affection. They are very friendly and outgoing and get along well with most other pets. Sphynx cats are known to play fetch just like dogs. Unlike most cats, Sphynx enjoy wearing sweaters and other cozy clothing, especially in the wintertime.

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