3 Products I’ve Repurchased this month

Oftentimes I will repurchase a hair product I’m loving right before mentioning it on social media….just in case it pops off and sells out.

Below are three products I’ve recently repurchased so I don’t go without!

Sexy Hair Creme to Powder Play – I’ve been into a cream texturizer these days and this is truly perfect. It’s like a dialed down version of Amika Got Grit (RIP), and much more forgiving on day two hair!

Puregology Hydrate Shampoo and Conditioner – the holiest of holy grails.

Kerastase Elixir Ultime Oil – a super lightweight oil that adds shine, softness, and moisture to the ends of my hair! I’m not terribly picky with hair oil, but I will say this one truly feels weightless on the hair!

See a few other products I’ve been loving lately on this post!

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