7 Dog Breeds Perfect for Running Enthusiasts

If you are a dog lover interested in running, a thought might have crossed your mind several times, what are the best dog breeds for running? Most dogs love running and they also won’t complain about getting tired. However, not all dogs are built for running, especially long distances.
In this blog, we have compiled a list of the top seven dog breeds that make ideal jogging companions for running enthusiasts. These dogs will surely give you the motivation to get up from the bed and take the shoes out for a run.

A Labrador Retriever is an ideal breed for those who are looking to add a companion to their daily jogging sessions. Labradors have refined, muscular bodies with strong legs and short coats, which makes them good at long-distance running. You will not only appreciate their endurance but also the companionship they offer you throughout the run.
The friendly demeanour of Labradors makes you want to jog with them again and again. Besides, they are excellent family dogs as well.

A great guard dog who can put his life on the line to protect their loved ones, the German Shepherd is built for endurance. This is because these dogs have toned legs and a powerful body which makes them run great distances without getting tired. However, if your German Shepherd is not fully grown, don’t force them to run too much. They only pick up their fully running form after 2 years of age.

Dalmatians are dogs who can keep pace even with horses. So you will have no problem making them run with you in your daily morning jogging. They are large and lean dogs who were originally bred to run ahead of firefighting carriages and clear their route. Although Dalmatians are great for long-distance runs, try to stick to softer trails since surfaces like concrete and asphalt can be hard on their joints.

Boxers are dogs known for their athleticism. Once you train them effectively, they can accompany you for your daily run. Although the keyword here is “train”. One should know that boxers aren’t habituated to marathon runs, so starting with short runs and slowly increasing the distance can help boost their stamina.
Also as Boxers are vulnerable to ailments like hip dysplasia and heart health, it is essential to get these dogs checked by the vet, before taking them into marathon running sessions.

If you are looking for a small dog who can run alongside you, don’t look any further than Beagles. A lot of first-time dog owners don’t realise that despite being small, Beagles are highly active dogs who thrive on exercise. Also as a scent hound, these dogs have a strong instinct for following a trail. They will tirelessly follow the source of the smell till they get it.

Pit Bulls have a strong muscular build and low body fat which offers them a high level of agility and strength. This makes them run faster and travel moderate distances as well. Besides, these dogs have long legs which allows them to cover a lot of ground in less time. Running with them will also help in burning off their excessive pent-up energy.

The physical characteristics of the Greyhound are such that it can record speeds of 45 miles per hour. They are considered one of the fastest dog breeds in the world. They have a narrow, athletic build and long limbs which let them take big strides and run quickly in short bursts. These dogs are however suited best for owners who prefer short-distance running.
In Brief,
If you are a runner looking for dog companions to give you company, you will be pleased to look at these 7 dog breeds. Also, there are mixed-breed dogs who are fabulous athletes and will do equally well as these dogs. So it would be great if you could visit your local shelter before purchasing a pure-breed dog from a breeder.

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