8 Reasons Why Beagles Are the Best Dogs – Dogster

Every dog lover has their own opinions as to which particular dog breeds are their favorite! While there are good and bad points to every single dog breed that exists, this article is partial to Beagles.
Beagles have been a favorite for many years due to their versatility and amiable nature. We’re going to explore why Beagles just might be the best dogs on the planet. Bark if you agree!

The 8 Reasons Why Beagles Are the Best Dogs
1. Beagles Are Lovable
Beagles are known for being some of the most lovable pups on the planet. They absolutely thrive on attention and will take pets from just about anybody who’s willing to give them. Beagles are submissive by nature and are the kind of dog that doesn’t mind showing you their tummy.
They will accept all the hugs, kisses, and adoration you want to shower them in with a goofy open-mouthed grin on their face. This is certainly the kind of dog that you can cuddle with in your bed at night or curl up in your lap with you when you’re having some downtime.
They are also very receptive to your emotions and will know when you’re having a bad day, only wanting to cheer you up and make it better. Who wouldn’t perk right up with a Beagle by their side?
Image Credit: Przemek Iciak, Shutterstock

2. Beagles Are Playful
Beagles are very playful little dogs. They tend to be very receptive to their surroundings and while they love to get excited, they are even tempered too.
Because of this, they make very good playmates for children. Of course, they should never be around small children unsupervised, but they can make very good first dogs for kids.
Beagles tend to be pretty easy going, meaning they can play a game of tug of war with a little kid and not knock them down or get aggressive with a toy. They tend to be very bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, so they aren’t as concerned with possessiveness and other qualities that make certain breeds less desirable.

3. Beagles Are Agreeable
Beagles tend to be highly agreeable. They are just along for the ride. They will want to come with you just about anywhere and won’t put up much of a fight if you give them certain commands.
Because of their eager to please nature, it makes them very easy to manage. Even for people who aren’t too training-savvy, these dogs tend to be pretty simple companions that make their owners oh-so-happy. Their agreeableness makes them wonderful in-home pets that can blend into nearly any situation.
Beagles can be fantastic additions to growing families or even retired couples.
Image Credit: Oksana Shufrych, Shutterstock

4. Beagles Are Hardy
If you are looking for a low-maintenance dog that doesn’t need to run to the vet every month, a Beagle is certainly a smart choice. Beagles were bred to be extremely healthy and able to manage harsh environments.
Because they are incredibly sturdy animals, they tend to develop health issues less frequently than other breeds. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t certain genetic and environmental factors that can impact overall health, however, it is less likely for them to do so.
Beagles are not necessarily prone to any major issues or skin allergies. However, there are certain potential conditions that could crop up. So, it’s also equally important to be well versed on the issues.
Some health issues include:

Dental disease
Eye problems

The best way to alleviate any health issue is to make sure that you keep up with routine vetting and give your dog a proper lifestyle. That includes adequate exercise and a nutritional species-specific diet.

5. Beagles Are Comical
Beagles are known for being entertaining little dogs. They have larger-than-life personalities and often crack their owners up. It’s like a free show every day. Beagles absolutely make interactive companions and want to be part of everything you’re doing.
They will have their own little funny quirks and eccentricities, so you can capture all of these cute little actions on video or just engage in the moment. These dogs tend to have a lighthearted free spirit and it is a joy to watch them thrive in their comfort.
Image Credit: Marliese Streefland, Unsplash

6. Beagles Are Easy to Train
Don’t get us wrong, Beagles are definitely known for their stubborn streak sometimes. However, because they are so attached to their owners and easily convinced with a good snack, they are pretty easy to train.
Beagles are incredibly intelligent and didn’t get their title in hunting for no reason. These dogs are very receptive to training and will learn just about anything you’re willing to teach them.
You don’t have to teach them their original task of hunting, but you can certainly have no trouble potty training or command training with these tiny cuties. Even novice owners can have great success in training.
However, professional training is always a good resource, especially if you’re new to the game. Not only can it help your Beagle become a very mannerly young gentleman or lady, but it can strengthen your relationship and teach you how to train dogs in the future.

7. Beagles Are Adorable
Beagles are simply some of the cutest dogs on the planet! They tend to keep an innocent puppy look throughout their adult lives. They have small statures, floppy ears, and big doe eyes that will melt you every time.
Many different hybrid breeds use Beagles because of their overall kind, sweet appearance and temperament. You can dress them up, or leave them as is, and it doesn’t change how utterly cute they are!
Image Credit: nastya-korenkova, Pexels

8. Beagles Are the Perfect Size
For many owners, they live in small spaces such as apartment complexes or city high rises. It makes having a companion animal a little bit difficult, as you can’t get many larger breeds.
Beagles are small to medium in size and typically meet the weight requirements of most apartment complexes. As adults, Beagles can be between 20 and 24 pounds. Because of their small stature, you can have the personality and character of a larger dog without the worry about any weight restrictions.

Downsides of Beagles
As much as we love Beagles and could talk good about them all day long, that doesn’t mean that they don’t necessarily come with downsides. The fact of the matter is that Beagles aren’t going to be for everyone.
Beagles Are Very Vocal
Beagles are notorious for their loud barks and other vocalizations. They are not quiet by any means, which can be problematic for neighbors and even for you if you’re sensitive to noise.
While their noise can be quite amusing, it can also be problematic, especially if you have a sleeping baby or you’re working night shift and need to get your sleep during the day. This is not a trait that can be trained out of a Beagle as it is simply part of the breed makeup.
So, if this is problematic for you, you might need to choose another breed.
Image Credit: Igor Normann, Shutterstock
Beagles Are Smelly
Beagles are hunting dogs. Most hunting dogs have a slight musty smell, even when they’re totally clean. It is really important not to over bathe your Beagle as a means to get rid of this pungent scent. Over-bathing can dry out their skin and lead to other issues such as skin allergies and hot spots.
Instead, you’re going to have to find other ways to curb the smell, such as coat care and general hygiene and maintenance. You can even get doggy specific wipes to wipe down their coat to prevent them from getting too smelly between baths.
Beagles Are Wanderers
Beagles are used for hunting, meaning they love to be in the great outdoors. They have an exceptional sense of smell and love chasing down prey. For that reason, Beagles tend to be wanderers by nature and might just gallivant off without you realizing.
They are diggers and they can jump quite high as well, making them perfect candidates for escaping fences and kennels. If you have a Beagle, you will have to implement some way to keep them in, such as using an invisible fence or a very sturdy enclosure.
Image Credit: Alexey Androsov, Shutterstock

Hopefully you have learned a little bit more about Beagles and you’ve jumped on the bandwagon. These are some of the best dogs of all time because they are just so wonderful with anything and everything they meet. However, keep in mind that these are hunting dogs and they should never be left alone around smaller animals or left to wander at their own leisure.

Featured Image Credit: Katsiaryna Pakhomava, Shutterstock

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