The Moon Is in Taurus From March 12-14

Prepare for a wild ride, as today‘s moon horoscope for March 12 to March 14, 2024 is luring you forward with promises, but leaving you stumped with chaotic twists and turns.

A waxing crescent moon enters Taurus on March 12, 2024 at exactly 8:29 p.m. ET, bringing passion, pleasure, and spontaneous bursts of insight. You’ll feel gently pulled into this moon transit, as the moon in Taurus will immediately form a sextile with Venus in Pisces at 10:55 p.m. ET, encouraging you to read romance novels before bed and fall asleep spooning a lover’s body. However, you could also give in to your darker impulses as the moon squares off with secretive Pluto in Aquarius at 10:57 p.m. ET. Perhaps you’ll also be scrolling through your ex’s social media before you leave your phone on the charger for the night.

By midweek, you can expect something shocking and overwhelming to take place. As the moon joins forces with expansive Jupiter on March 13 at 7:12 p.m. ET, whatever you’re feeling will be amplified and magnified, increasing desires and intensifying the likelihood for success. However, you might wake up to some unexpected news on Thursday morning, as the moon will form a conjunction with unpredictable Uranus at 5:59 a.m. ET.

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Your pride may bolster any frustrations and hurt feelings by lunchtime. The moon will square off with argumentative Mars in Aquarius at exactly 12 p.m. ET, which means sensitivities could set fire to larger conflicts if there is a lack of nuance or understanding. Luckily, you’ll be in a beautiful position to let bygones be bygones as the day comes to an end. With the moon forming a sextile to Neptune at 6:28 p.m. ET, you’ll allow love and forgiveness to soften the blow.

Moon Enters Taurus on March 12 at 8:29 p.m. ET

March 12 at 10:55 p.m. ET: Moon sextile Venus in Pisces at 1°

March 12 at 10:57 p.m. ET: Moon square Pluto in Aquarius 1°

March 13 at 07:12 p.m. ET: Moon conjunct Jupiter at 13°

March 14 at 05:59 a.m. ET: Moon conjunct Uranus at 20°

March 14 at 12:00 p.m. ET: Moon square Mars in Aquarius 23°

March 14 at 06:28 p.m. ET: Moon sextile Neptune 27°

Moon Is Void of Course until March 14 at 11:16 p.m. ET

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