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Hamsters are cute little animals that can make great first-time pets. They also make ideal companions for those who don’t have the time or inclination to care for a dog or cat. Aside from providing a pet hamster with a large enough, clean habitat to live in and giving them things to chew on and toys to interact with, it’s essential to make sure they receive a proper diet each day. Commercial pellet hamster food should be the foundation, but like us humans, hamsters enjoy consuming different flavors and textures. It keeps things interesting!
One great addition to consider for any hamster’s diet is fresh basil. Here is everything that you need to know about feeding basil to your hamster.
Is Basil Good for Hamsters?
Hamsters can eat basil and it can also be good for them in appropriate amounts. Basil contains vitamins A and C, along with the minerals iron and calcium. The antioxidant compounds in basil, including eugenol and beta carotene, help support a healthy immune system and in one study antioxidants have been shown to reduce the occurrence of some tumors in hamsters.1
Basil Nutritional Facts
Amount per 2 Tablespoon of Chopped Fresh Basil (5.3g)
9.38 mg
0.168 mg
Vitamin C
0.954 mg
Vitamin A
14 mcg
4.88 g
Image Credit: Tookapic, Pixabay
A Hamster’s Ideal Diet
Hamsters are omnivores, so they should eat a mix of plant and animal foods (specifically insects) to stay happy and healthy throughout their lives. It’s impossible to provide our pet hamsters with a diet that would be exactly like what they would eat in the wild. However, we can get close!
Here’s what your hamster should be eating for optimal health:
Commercial pellet food designed specifically for hamsters ( follow manufacturer’s guideline)
Fresh fruits and veggies (small amounts)
Timothy hay
Mealworms (as treats)
Basil can be a part of your hamster’s diet, but it shouldn’t make up a large part. One or two basil leaves a couple of times a week are plenty for health and diet variety. Be sure to wash the leaves before you feed them. Keep in mind that not all hamsters like basil. If your pet ignores the basil that you give them, chances are that they don’t like the taste or texture. Try another herb or leafy green instead.
Fun Ways to Feed Basil to Your Hamster
You can give your hamster a single leaf of basil as a snack or part of a meal. You can also use this herb to create fun for your hamster. Try cutting a piece of basil into small pieces, and sprinkling them around the habitat so your hamster can hunt for them. You can also hide pieces of basil in paper bags or toilet paper tubes to create a more exciting toy experience. Remember hamsters often hoard food in their cages, check and remove any uneaten fresh food such as basil after 24 hours, so it doesn’t rot.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How Often Should Hamsters Eat Basil?
There is no fixed rule when it comes to how often your hamster should eat basil. However, seeing that it should only make up a small amount of their diet, it shouldn’t be a daily meal addition. This way, you can ensure that there’s room for other veggies and fruits. Once or twice a week is usually suitable when it comes to basil and hamsters.
What Other Herbs Can Hamsters Eat?
There are a few different kinds of herbs aside from basil that a hamster can enjoy as part of their diet. These include cilantro, dill, oregano, thyme, rosemary, and parsley. These herbs should be served fresh, just like basil.
Image Credit: Sharon Snider, Shutterstock
Can Hamsters Eat Dried Basil?
As long as no other ingredients are added, dried basil may not be inherently harmful to hamsters but it is difficult to digest and best avoided. Fresh basil is healthier and a better choice overall.
Hamsters can enjoy basil with their meal or as a snack or treat throughout the week without any problem. In fact, basil has vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can be beneficial for a hamster’s health. Just make sure basil doesn’t take up too much room in your hamster’s diet, to ensure that they consume all the pellets, hay, and other fruits and veggies that they need for good health.
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Featured Image Credit: kkolosov, Pixabay