Guy Sings To Growling Dog And Her Whole Demeanor Flips Around

Upon arriving at a shelter in Wildomar, California, a dog named Waffles was overwhelmed with fear. Rocky Kanaka, sensing her intense anxiety, understood the gravity of her situation. The shelter was just another strange, intimidating environment for Waffles, who had already endured the harsh reality of abandonment and neglect. Previously, Waffles had been found alone in a dilapidated house, scavenging for scraps to survive. Her discovery in such dire circumstances had left her wary of humans and uninterested in food—a troubling sign of her deep stress and trauma.

At the shelter, her reluctance to eat even treats in the same room was a clear indicator of her distress. The environment, intended as a temporary holding area, was not conducive to helping a dog as anxious as Waffles unwind or recover. Understanding the special needs of such a distressed animal, Rocky, a seasoned animal rehabilitator, decided to employ a unique approach to reach out to her. He introduced a bowl of aromatic cat food, known for its strong scent that often entices even the most reluctant dogs. This sparked a hint of interest in Waffles, leading her to tentatively try the food, which she surprisingly enjoyed.

Yet, Rocky knew that nourishment alone wasn’t enough to mend her spirit. To soothe and comfort her, he began singing “The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow” from the musical Annie. Initially, Waffles seemed indifferent, but as Rocky continued, she began to show signs of engagement. Gradually, the music drew her closer to him until, eventually, she rested her head on his lap.

Encouraged by this breakthrough, Rocky then accompanied Waffles to a health checkup, where they discovered more about her background. Her background check revealed that the pup’s name was Shiro Cuma, which translates to “white bear” in Japanese. It was evident that Waffles had once been cared for. Yet, her owner was nowhere to be found, leaving her fate in the hands of the shelter.
Sign Petition Today: New Bill Makes it Illegal to Discriminate Against Dogs!Dogs face harmful stereotypes, with breeds like pit bulls and Rottweilers legally discriminated against, affecting their survival chances. A new bill seeks to eliminate breed restrictions in public housing, promoting fair treatment and aligning with scientific evidence.
Rocky’s visits continued, and although her previous owner never reappeared, Waffles began to show remarkable improvement. Her progress from a fearful, growling pup to a dog who could appreciate the comfort of music marked a significant transformation. With Waffles still cautious around new people and other animals, her adjustment to a more normal life remained a work in progress. But the foundation for a new beginning was set, and it was only a matter of time until she would be ready to find a new home—one where she could feel safe and loved consistently. Here is the shortened version of Rocky singing to Waffles.

Waffles, remember, you’re new life is just a day away!  “You gotta hang on ’til tomorrow, come what may! Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow! You’re always a day away
The video beneath is longer but well worth the watch! The change in Waffles’ demeanor is an absolute miracle!

Click ‘play’ below to see Waffles’ full story. She is one amazing dog! Thank you, Rocky, for all you do! And, please, don’t forget to press that SHARE button! 

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