11 Friendliest Cat Breeds for Kids

1.The Ragdoll: Ragdolls are large, laid-back, semi long haired cats with captivating blue eyes. It belongs to pointed cat breed. Ragdoll cat one of the largest cat breeds in the cat fancy.The Ragdolls are wonderful with children and other pets

2.The British Shorthair: The British Shorthair is the pedigreed rendition of the conventional British domestic feline, with a uniquely stout body, thick cover and wide face. British Shorthairs exceptionally versatile and easy to train feline breed.

3.Bengal Cats:The Bengal is a hybrid breed of domestic cat with dense and amazingly delicate coated skin.This is a tender feline who plays nimbly and enjoys learning some tricks in a dignified style.

4.Birman Cats :The Birman is a, color pointed, magical, long-haired feline recognized by a luxurious silky layer, profound soulful blue eyes and differentiating white “gloves” on each one paw.

5.The Maine Coon :The Maine Coon cat is the largest domesticated breed of cat with long hair.

6.The Persian :The Persian is a vast to medium-sized feline, with a decently adjusted body and a sweet outflow all over. The breed was initially settled with a short Muzzle, yet over the long run this feature has become extremely exaggerated.

7.The Norwegian Forest Cat: Norwegian Forest Cat is a vast, semi-long haired feline whose tough appearance fits its name. Despite the strong veneer, this breed is all that much a homebody that enjoys the company of human companions  and  pets

8.The Cornish Rex:The Cornish Rex is a study in bends, with bend  profile, curly cover, expansive expressive ears, and curved body.

9.The Abyssinian : The Abyssinian is one of the oldest known breeds, look like a little mountain lion .Abyssinians resemble the paintings and models of old Egyptian felines which depict an elegant feline with a husky body, wonderful angled neck, huge ears and almond formed eyes.

10.Ragamuffin Cats: The Ragamuffin is a domestic gorgeous cat, with large expressive eyes.  It is a variant of the Ragdoll cat. Ragamuffins are wonderful with children and even other pets.

11.Selkirk Rex Cats: Selkirk Rex Cat is one of the newest natural breeds, this naturally curly cat originated from a house cat, it is the most  relaxed breed of feline fancy that accepts these human foibles with great tolerance.

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