Frightened Dog with 9 Puppies Left Behind in Church Parking Lot

In a deeply distressing and heart-wrenching incident, a 5-year-old boxer was heartlessly abandoned in the parking lot of North Side Baptist Church in Abilene, Texas. The unfortunate dog was not alone in her plight; tragically, she was left with nine tiny, vulnerable 2-week-old puppies. The mother dog, visibly frightened and distressed, was in urgent need of help to save her helpless puppies. These young puppies faced imminent danger and certain death if left in such dire circumstances without immediate intervention, highlighting the cruel nature of their abandonment.

Image Credit: Facebook
A pivotal moment came when a poignant picture of the distressed dog and her puppies was posted on social media. This image caught the attention of Mistie Boerger, a dedicated member of Paw Angel Animal Rescue. Boerger knew immediately that she had to act to save the animals.
“I saw the picture, and it just broke my heart. I called Angel, and we went to rescue the dogs,” Boerger recounted to KTXS 12abc.
With urgency and determination, Boerger and Angel Urban rushed to the church parking lot to rescue the terrified animals. They found the mother dog and her puppies huddled together, clearly scared and confused. Carefully and gently, they placed the animals in the back seat of their car and transported them to safety.
“I just don’t know how someone could do that, leaving a momma and her two-week-old babies,” Boerger expressed, still shocked by the heartlessness of the abandonment.
It is profoundly unsettling to consider that the individual who abandoned these dogs didn’t even take them to a shelter, where they might have had a chance of being cared for. Instead, they were left exposed to the elements and potential dangers, with no regard for their well-being.

Image Credit: Facebook
The mother dog, identified as a boxer mix, was found to be in urgent need of medical attention. She was immediately taken to the vet for a thorough examination. Unfortunately, the ordeal didn’t end there; one of her puppies was diagnosed with a severe throat tumor. Heartbreakingly, the decision was made to euthanize the little one to prevent further suffering.
Despite this sad loss, the mother dog and her remaining puppies received the care they desperately needed. After several days of treatment and rest, they began to show signs of recovery. The mother, once scared and frail, started to regain her strength, and her puppies began to thrive under the attentive care they received in their temporary foster home.
Boerger made the heartfelt decision to foster the mother dog and her surviving puppies until they were fully recovered. She took on the responsibility of ensuring their health and well-being, planning for their future beyond their initial recovery.

“They will be staying with me for two weeks and then moved to a permanent foster. They will be placed for adoption after they have been spayed and neutered, and mom is spayed,” Boerger shared on Facebook, updating the public on the progress of the dogs.

Image Credit: Facebook
In the meantime, the rescue organization worked diligently to calculate the costs associated with caring for the mother dog and her puppies. The expenses for food, medical supplies, and other necessities amounted to a substantial $2,500. To cover these costs, Paw Angel Animal Rescue turned to the community for support, asking for donations to ensure the animals received the best care possible.
“It’s looking like the total cost to get all ten dogs all the way to September and adoption will be around $2,500,” commented Robert Sudbury, another dedicated member of the Paw Angel team, on Facebook.

The community responded with remarkable generosity. Within a short period, more than $1,000 was donated, and contributions continued to flow in. These funds were essential, not only for the immediate care of the animals but also to cover any unforeseen medical complications that might arise, which is often the case with rescue animals.

Image Credit: Facebook
Sign Petition Today: No more puppy mills!

Missouri is already referred to as the “puppy mill capital” of the country, and a new bill would make it harder for counties and cities to protect dogs from the cruelty of puppy mills.
Throughout this challenging time, the rescue team maintained a strong connection with the public by regularly posting updates and sharing numerous pictures of the mother dog and her puppies on their Facebook page. These posts attracted widespread attention and admiration, with many praising the Paw Angel staff for their dedication, compassion, and hard work.

Indeed, those who step in to rescue abandoned or struggling animals are true heroes without capes. They undertake these selfless acts of kindness, often with little recognition, driven by a profound sense of compassion and responsibility. The story of the frightened dog and her puppies, rescued from the brink of despair, serves as a poignant reminder of the good that exists in the world and the incredible impact that a few caring individuals can have on the lives of those most in need.
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