15 Reasons Why Dachshunds Are the Best Breed – Dogster

All dog parents think their dog’s breed is the best. However, we’re here to tell you exactly why the Dachshund is the best breed. These dogs are known for their small size, adorableness, and generally silly and affectionate natures, but there’s so much more to the breed!
Here are 15 reasons why Dachshunds are the best breed (and why you should consider getting one!). Take a look below to learn all about how wonderful these dogs are and why they’re the absolute best.

The 15 Reasons Why Dachshunds Are the Best Breed
1. They’re energetic and playful.
These small pups are always the life of the party, at least when it comes to playtime! Dachshunds are incredibly energetic and love to play, so you’ll never have a dull moment with them around. They love exploring new corners of your home and yard, enjoy games of fetch, and will love going on long walks. Plus, these adorable dogs are always up for an adventure!
Image Credit: Shedara Weinsberg, Shutterstock

2. They’re adaptable.
These are some adaptable pups. They can thrive and enjoy pretty much any living situation, from farm life to apartment life (at least as long as they get enough exercise and socialization). They’re also adaptable when it comes to people. The Dachshund can fit seamlessly into pretty much any family, whether that family is a single person, a family with kids, or something in between. Whatever the circumstances, these dogs are thrilled to be a part of your family.

3. They’re portable.
If you love to travel and want to take your canine companion with you, then the Dachshund is pretty much the perfect dog for you as they’re extremely portable. Due to their small size, these dogs can be taken on almost any trip, from plane rides to road trips. You’ll still need to plan out what to bring for them and make proper preparations when it comes to places to stay and such, but bringing along this small pup on your travels is infinitely simpler than bringing a breed like the Great Dane!
Image Credit: Masarik, Shutterstock

4. They’re excellent watchdogs.
The Dachshund may be small, but they are known for their bravery. These dogs will defend their home to their last breath, even against predators larger than them. Plus, these tiny pups have quite the loud bark and aren’t afraid to use it. They’ll let you know when someone’s approaching your home every time.

5. They get along with other animals.
Dachshunds are definitely sociable creatures. These canines can get along with almost any other animal living in the home, whether they’re another dog, a cat, or even a smaller animal. Of course, a Dachshund still needs to be properly socialized early on, especially since they may demonstrate a low prey drive towards pets smaller than them. But the Dachshund is an excellent choice if you want a pup who will get along with the other pets in your home.
Image Credit: Africa Studio, Shutterstock

6. They make wonderful companions.
Yes, any dog can make a wonderful companion, but Dachshunds make particularly excellent ones. Why is that? Because these dogs are incredibly affectionate and will love on you endlessly, they’re loyal, and want to do everything with their favorite people. That means following you around all day to “help” you around the house, endless snuggles, and tons of joy.

7. They’re fantastic with children.
If you have children in the home, the Dachshund might just be the dog for you, as they make fantastic family pets. Because of their size and gentle natures, they get along extremely well with children. Plus, these dogs are patient and love to play, which is a great combination when dealing with little ones. That doesn’t mean you can forgo teaching children how to properly interact with a canine or that you shouldn’t supervise interactions between kids and dogs, but with the Dachshund, your kids should have a new favorite playmate.
Image Credit: Roman Samborskyi, Shutterstock

8. They’re super smart.
These dogs are intelligent, which helps immensely when training them. They can pick up many tricks and commands and do so rather quickly. However, these small pups have a bit of a stubborn streak, which may hinder training at times.

9. They don’t shed a lot.
If you’re looking for a dog that doesn’t shed heavily, then the Dachshund could be right for you as they’re a moderate to low-shedding breed. These pups have three coat types: longhaired, wirehaired, and smooth. How much they shed depends on their coat type, but none of these coats shed heavily.
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10. They’re loyal.
The loyalty of the Dachshund was mentioned previously, but that loyalty truly does make this dog the best canine breed. These pups are known for their attachment to, love of, and loyalty to their owners. This breed will forever be right by your side and ready to defend you from anything should the need arise. What more could you ask for from a furry best friend?

11. They have a unique body shape.
Is there any other canine with a body shape as unique as the Dachshund? We don’t think so! These dogs have captured hearts for centuries due to their unique look (and adorable personalities). You can find Dachshunds in books, films, and even cartoons; there’s no doubt this pup’s shape has helped catapult the breed into one of the most beloved canines around!
Image Credit: Serova_Ekaterina, Shutterstock

12. They have magnificent ears.
It isn’t only this dog’s body shape that wins them fans! The Dachshund’s ears are magnificent, making them even cuter than they already are (which is an impressive feat). Not only do these pups’ ears have a wonderful shape and size, but they’re also soft and fun to rub (something your Dachshund is sure to approve of you doing).

13. They’re fabulous at cuddling.
It’s been mentioned already that Dachshunds are super affectionate and loving; this makes them fabulous cuddlers. If laying on the sofa to binge your latest show while cuddled up to a tiny pup sounds like your idea of heaven, the Dachshund is absolutely the breed for you. This dog loves cuddling so much that you might find it difficult to leave the comfort of home and your pup’s affection to venture into the outside world!
Image Credit: Olena Gorbenko, Shutterstock

14. You can style their hair.
The reason why Dachshunds are the best breed depends on what coat type your Dachshund has, but if your pup has the right coat, you can style their hair! Put in some rollers, brush it out, or give it a blow-out (if your dog doesn’t mind the blow dryer). Styling your dog’s hair also gives you an excellent chance to bond. Plus, if you have kids in the home who are future hairdressers, they could get in some limited practice with the Dachshund (just be sure to supervise any makeovers!).

15. They bring their owners great happiness.
And the top reason why Dachshunds are the best breed? They bring their owners great happiness! There’s never a dull, boring moment with these dogs around, and the breed’s delightful nature brings a lot of joy to their owners’ lives. So, if you have a Dachshund, be prepared to be happier than ever.

Dachshunds are the best breed ever for all the reasons listed above, plus so many more! With a Dachshund in your home, you’re guaranteed a sweet, loving, loyal companion who will always follow you around and always have your back. You also get a fantastic playmate who will bring silliness and fun to your life. Best of all, you get a dog with the most unique shape of all canines who gets more adorable by the minute. What could be better?

Featured Image Credit: Masarik, Shutterstock

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