Teach Your Dog to Fetch in 5 Steps: Simple Training Tips


One of the tricks dog parents love to teach their dogs is to fetch stuff. Watching your dogs bring the objects you say to them brings great joy. However, barring breeds like Retrievers and Border Collies, fetching doesn’t come naturally to all dogs. You might have seen how most dogs chase the ball and hold it in their mouth, but doesn’t come to you when called.
Yet, you can teach your dogs to fetch the things you say by following these 5 simple steps. Here are those,

Choose a Fetch Toy Your Dog Loves

It doesn’t matter if it’s a tennis ball, frisbee, or a plush toy,  just ensure that it’s a toy that your dog loves. This is because your training session will be much easier if your dog is excited about the toy he is playing with. Start the training before your dog becomes desensitized to his favourite toy.

Teach them to Drop the Toy

Start by teaching your dog the last step of the fetch process, which is a technique called back-chaining. First, wave your dog’s fetch toy in front of his face till they get excited. Then give your dog the command “Take it”, and let them grab the toy from your hand. After that, wait for three to five seconds and tell your dog to “drop it”.
Your dog will likely need some help learning the command “drop it”. What you can do in this case is hold a dog treat” near its nose, which will make them drop the toy. Once your dog drops the toy, give them a treat right away.

Now Get them to Drop the Toy Treat-Free

Once your dog has learned to “drop” the toy on command, you have to now make them do it without offering them the treats. So the next time your dog is holding the toy in his mouth, show him your empty fist and then give the “drop” command. Open your hand to show them there isn’t a treat there. Now give them the treat from your pocket to reward them.
Over a period, your dogs will learn to drop the toy without the need for a treat. Slowly increase the amount of time between your dog taking the toy and your drop command, so that they get used to holding the toy for a longer duration.

Teach them the “Bait and Switch Method”

The bait and Switch method is a technique using two toys that teaches your dog to pick a toy and bring it back to you. This method is highly useful in keeping the curiosity of your dog intact since dogs can lose interest in playing fetch with a single toy. To start with, throw your first toy and let your dogs chase it. Once your dog grabs the toy in the mouth, call him and throw the second toy in the direction opposite to the first throw. Your dogs should drop the first toy to go and retrieve the second toy.
While they run for the second toy, you should go and pick the first toy quickly. Now call his name again and repeat the sequence over and over.

Get Your Dog to Bring One Toy to You

Once your dog becomes fairly good at the “Bait and Switch Method”, it’s time to remove the second toy. Throw your dog’s fast toy and call out his name as usual, but this time don’t throw the second toy immediately. Your dog should drop his first toy, and then you can throw the second toy after some time. You need to repeat this sequence till your dog brings the first toy back to you without needing the second toy as motivation.
Once your dog becomes adept at this step, their fetch training is now fully completed.
On a Final Note,
You should always keep in mind that dog training requires patience and you should refrain from pushing their limitations to make them learn fast. Not every dog is inclined to play fetch. Also, practice the game of fetch in a safer place where there are no moving vehicles.

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