12 Healing Crystals for Cats: A Holistic Guide

Are you someone who believes in the healing power of crystals? Maybe you have a pocket full of charged gems or you place them around your house for Feng Shui. Regardless of your relationship with these metaphysical rocks, you might not have considered using them for your beloved pets—until now.
If you love holistic healing, let us explain how certain well-known crystals can provide physical benefits to your cat.

The 12 Healing Crystals for Cats
1. Amethyst

Image Credit: Photography by Mali K, Shutterstock

Promotes peace and calmness, relieves digestive issues, regulates hormones, improves immunity, boosts endocrine function

The beautiful amethyst is traditionally a purple crystal that represents the month of February. But that isn’t all it’s for! It has many properties that make it so fabulous for energy work.
If you have a particularly stressed cat on your hands, it can soothe their temperament. Also, it can improve blood circulation, creating better health overall for your furry pal. It can also help to soothe digestive troubles and even out hormonal issues.
If it seems like you’re trying to treat your cat’s unwavering anxiety with amethyst and it just seems to make it worse, you may want to discontinue use. In some, it can actually heighten the effects of anxiety, which is certainly not the aim.

2. Aventurine

Image Credit: manfredxy, Shutterstock

Improves circulation, restores nervous system, anti-inflammatory, aids in healthy metabolism, boosts energy

Aventurine is a quartz-based stone that is terrific spiritually, physically, and emotionally. It can aid humans in many different fashions, but it can also be an amazing choice for feline healing, too.
This particular stone is notorious for improving circulation, calming the nervous system, and reducing skin issues. It can be an excellent option for kitties who have allergies—environmental or food-related.
Aventurine is multi-faceted, touting different color hues. It is often referred to as the stone of opportunity. It can help your cat in many different aspects of life, but it primarily manages energy levels and nervous system malfunctions.

3. Black Tourmaline

Image Credit: Yut chanthaburi, Shutterstock

Aids in detoxification, improves circulation, provides pain relief, promotes relaxation, reduces anxiety

Black tourmaline is a lovely stone that is almost lined or ridged, giving it definition and character. While a beautiful piece to have on display in your home it can also be an amazing tool to use for cats who need a little help in certain departments.
Black tourmaline can help detoxify the body, improve circulation, or even provide slight pain relief in certain instances. These stone characteristics can help cats who are trying to recover from injury or illness.
Plus, like many black stones, this crystal aids in protection. So, if you think your kitty could use an extra layer of warmth around them, a black tourmaline crystal could provide some spiritual conservation.

4. Carnelian

Image Credit: Stojan Tasevski, Shutterstock

Wards off insanity, enhances energy levels, improves circulation, stimulates a healthy metabolism

So, you have a tubby kitty on your hands that could use a little motivation to burn some extra calories? Carnelian may be just the stone you need to get your kitty under control. It is known for enhancing energy levels, charging up your kitty for playtime.
Carnelian would work wonders for seniors or lazier cats. This crystal can help enhance playfulness and adventurousness so your cat can live life in the fast lane. Of course, this crystal isn’t for zippy cats who can’t get enough action.
Carnelian can also improve circulation and promote healthy metabolism.

5. Fluorite

Image Credit: Berke, Shutterstock

Boosts cellular healing, rejuvenates the body, improves skeletal system, aids in lung function

There are many types of fluorite, but all are equally beneficially in their own right. No matter which type of fluorite catches your eye, all can be of use to cats who could use a little extra healing power.
Fluorite is a major dispeller of bad juju. So, if your cat has recently undergone trauma, injury, or some other major event, it can help relieve stress and promote a positive balance. This stone is all about tranquility, calm, loving resilience.
On top of these benefits, fluorite is also a master at accelerating healing physically, too. It is said to stimulate the third eye, both with people and pets! Will you have an enlightened kitty on your hands? Who could know for sure until you try it out.

6. Jasper

Image Credit: ElyaPhoto, Shutterstock

Relieves anxiety, rids inflammation, improves circulation and digestion, promotes strength and courage

There are many kinds of jasper—each having something special to bring to the table. You can choose from red, fancy, or brecciated, to name a few. Each one has a slightly different meaning and a unique appearance.
Jasper is a very protective stone, no matter the color or pattern. It can aid in relieving anxiety and getting rid of inflammation. Jasper is also known to be a very good grounding stone, bringing your cat back into reality.
If you have had a Kitty come to you from a turbulent or homeless situation, jasper can be a great foundation stone!

7. Lepidolite

Image Credit: Collective Arcana, Shutterstock

Harmonizes mind, body, and soul, eases stress, alleviates tension in the body

Lepidolite is a miracle stone with the patience of Job. It is often referred to as the grandmother stone because it facilitates the utmost grace and patience, giving it a grandmother-like vibe.
This particular stone resonates with multiple chakras: the heart, crown, and third eye. So, it can help with these areas of health, even for our cats. These stones really help to put focus on relaxation and steady temperament.
If your cat is known for having a very tense or rigid structure, this can be helpful, too. It will promote a sense of calm to your cat, allowing them to stop and smell the roses, so to speak.

8. Moonstone

Image Credit: ElyaPhoto, Shutterstock

Balances hormones, eliminates blood toxins, strengthens the lymphatic system, boosts immunity

Moonstones are beautiful crystals that have a variety of intense properties. These stones can not only help people balance themselves in nearly every way, but they can do the same for your feline friends.
The moonstone can be terrific for cats who have issues with hormones, lymphatic sluggishness, and decreased immunity. It will aid in mending the issues to create a better experience for your healing kitty.
Moonstone also promotes healthy sleep patterns and reproductive health. So if you just so happen to be a cat breeder, your females might really benefit from the power of this particular crystal.

9. Rose Quartz

Image Credit: Holly Mazour, Shutterstock

Improves circulation, improves skin health, levels out moods

Ah, rose quartz—the crystal that’s all about love and loving others. So, what can this pink form of quartz do for your cat? So much! This stone is really a mood booster, replacing any negative thoughts with happy ones.
Also, this crystal can improve overall circulation, aid in skin health improvement, and totally level a frisky feline. It is a very chill stone, meaning it only promotes positivity—so you can’t go wrong when using it with your kitty.
Rose quartz really tackles emotional issues. It might be perfect for a cat that feels threatened easily, has a superiority complex, or even lives life in constant fear. It can also reduce bodily tension if you have a particularly uptight pal on your hands.


Image Credit: pamela ranya, Shutterstock

Reduces stress, promotes calmness, relieves pain, detoxifies the body

If your cat needs a little moonlit power to save the day, let us recommend selenite for its powerful capabilities. This cleansing stone is highly powerful, protective, and cleansing for the body.
For your cat, it can promote a sense of calmness to shield them from chaotic feelings. This can be a great stone for juvenile cats to provide a leveling effect. It also helps anxious cats curb their feelings of restlessness.
On top of its emotional perks, it also helps to detoxify the body and cleanse surrounding negativity. So, if your living space is mucking up your cat’s energy, this stone can be a great clearing tool.

11.Smoky Quartz

Image Credit: olpo, Shutterstock

Relieves pain, reduces muscle tension, improves digestion, restores energy, protects from radiation

Smoky quartz is a powerful crystal that has tons of beneficial qualities. It is very useful to people, but it can equally benefit cats if they need the extra boost. This stone isn’t just lovely, it’s healing.
If your cat is depressed after just losing a friend or having trouble adjusting to a new home life, smoky quartz can help! This stone helps to overcome fear, anxiety, and depression—but that isn’t all!
This stone also helps calm tense muscles, aid in digestion, and boost energy. The effects of smoky quartz might also help protect your cat from radiation, which can be useful if you have tons of Wi-Fi gadgets in the home.


Image Credit: fullempty, Shutterstock

Eases inflammation, assists depression and anxiety, supports a healthy immune system

Turquoise is more than just a fabulous color—it’s an undeniably beautiful stone. This crystal is as powerful as it is unique, terrific for medicinal and spiritual healing. It is a stone of strength, making your kitty even more fierce than they were before.
This stone also helps reduce inflammation. If your cat experiences some sort of infection or injury, turquoise can speed up the recovery process. It is also splendid for the immune system, giving it just the boost it needs.
This is a stone of positivity and inner peace. So if your frisky feline could use a chill pill, turquoise can be a great stone to work with.

Now you understand a little bit more about the properties of these beautiful stones. They can be beautiful decorations, add functionality to your home, and also be beneficial to the health of all living things!
Just be sure to do your research and choose the correct crystal that will give you the desired result.

Featured Image Credit: ju_see, Shutterstock

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