Mama Cat Carries Newborn to the Couch, and Papa Cat Approves

Welcoming a new litter of kittens into your home is an incredibly heartwarming experience. For cat owners, ensuring a comfortable and safe space for their feline companions during this period is a priority. However, it’s common for a mother cat to show a strong preference for one particular spot, like the bed, when it comes to raising her kittens. This preference may raise the question: why does she choose the bed, and how does she care for her kittens?

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When a mother cat gives birth, her natural instincts to protect and nurture her young kick in. Much like wild cats, domestic cats instinctively look for a secluded, safe space to care for their newborns. The bed, with its cozy softness and warmth, often provides the comfort of a natural nest, making it an appealing place for the mother to stay with her kittens.

Cats are also very reliant on their sense of smell. They communicate and establish comfort through scent, and the bed, often filled with familiar household smells, becomes a comforting space. From the scent of their human companions to other familiar household odors, the bed offers a sense of reassurance. This familiarity allows the mother cat to feel calm and relaxed, enabling her to focus on caring for her kittens.

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It’s important to remember that a mother cat’s bond with her surroundings is strong, especially in the early stages after birth. During this delicate period, she seeks an environment that feels safe and where she won’t be disturbed. Just like humans, cats form emotional connections with their family, and being close to loved ones provides emotional comfort for the mother. This emotional security not only helps reduce her stress but also ensures she is in the best possible state to care for her kittens.

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In one particular video that has gained significant attention, a mother cat is seen carrying her newborn kittens to a bed, choosing it as the most suitable place. Interestingly, the video also shows the father cat agreeing with the mother’s choice, which highlights an aspect of feline behavior often overlooked.

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Father cats can also display preferences similar to the mother’s when it comes to the ideal place to raise their kittens. Cats are social creatures, and within their family unit, they show behaviors that reflect this. In this case, the father cat’s agreement to the bed as the spot for their newborns could be a sign of his desire to remain close to his mate and be part of the family dynamic during this special time.
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The mother cat’s decision to bring her newborns to the bed is rooted in her instincts to prioritize safety, comfort, and familiarity. With the softness, familiar scents, and proximity to the family, the bed offers a perfect sanctuary for her to tend to her kittens. By understanding and supporting these instincts, cat owners can create an ideal environment for their feline friends during this important period. So, the next time you find your cat choosing the bed as her go-to spot, know that it’s her way of ensuring her kittens receive the best care possible.

Since being uploaded just four months ago, this touching video of a mother cat carefully transporting her kittens has garnered over 7 million views on YouTube, captivating the hearts of viewers worldwide.
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