Cat Abandoned by First Owners on the Street Can’t Stop Giving New Mom Nose Kisses

Every year, more and more pets are being abandoned, adding to the increasing population of strays. This unfortunate reality stems from careless and irresponsible owners who choose to leave their pets behind, forcing these animals to survive on their own in a harsh, urban environment. Thankfully, there are still compassionate people who dedicate their time and efforts to rescuing these animals and giving them a fresh start.
This particular story revolves around a stray cat found seeking refuge under a car.

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It was a bright, sunny afternoon when a woman stumbled upon the poor feline in a parking lot. The cat had taken shelter under her son’s car, using the shade and cool pavement to escape the scorching heat. Concerned for the cat’s well-being, the woman quickly reached out to Cats of San Bernardino, a non-profit rescue group based in San Bernardino, California.
Rescue workers from the organization rushed to the location to help the cat. Fortunately, the cat wasn’t feral, making it easier for them to gently remove him from his temporary hiding spot. It became clear to the rescuers that the cat had been abandoned by its previous owners.

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“He was just like ‘Please, someone take me,’” Jaina from Cats of San Bernardino shared with The Dodo. “He just let us pick him up and didn’t resist.”
The team carefully placed the cat in a carrier and transported him to the vet for an examination. Initially, they thought the cat was female, but later discovered he was actually a neutered male. The cat was severely undernourished, with matted fur and several bald spots. The rescuers believed his previous owners had likely moved and left him behind.
During the examination, the vet discovered a swollen lump on the cat’s forehead, extending to one of his eyes, causing it to only be partially open. It was a skin abscess that needed immediate treatment, so the vet administered antibiotics. Throughout the procedure, the cat remained calm, and after a few hours, he was ready to head to his new temporary home.

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Jaina and Ivy, both involved with the Cats of San Bernardino organization, took the cat under their care and named him Valentino. In the first few days, Valentino was weak and dehydrated, so Jaina gave him injections to aid his recovery.
As the days passed, Valentino’s condition began to improve. His abscess started to heal, his fur began to grow back, and he slowly regained his strength. Jaina and Ivy were overjoyed to see how far he had come in such a short period of time.

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Valentino showed his gratitude in the sweetest way possible—by showering his rescuers with affection. He loved being close to them, often sitting on their chests and giving them gentle licks on their faces.

Within a few weeks, most of Valentino’s fur had grown back, and his personality had blossomed into that of an affectionate, clingy companion. Jaina and Ivy were amazed at the transformation, not just in his physical health, but in the bond he developed with them.
Sign Petition Today: The Cruelty By This Man Is Unthinkable.

A horrific case of animal cruelty and domestic violence unfolded last year in Fargo, North Dakota. The details are disturbing and tragic. The abuser was sentenced to prison, but we must ensure he never terrorizes another person or animal again.
Valentino’s loving nature was his way of saying “thank you” to the people who saved his life. His transformation is a heartwarming reminder of the difference kindness can make for animals in need.
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