A Cocooning Kind of Christmas

Cozy time
Hiya, friend. It’s so nice to see you! Isn’t it kind of crazy that just like that, in the blink of an eye, the rush of the holiday season is finally over? Yeah, yeah. I know New Year’s Eve is around the corner, too, but at this point, I’m tapping out of any further festivities until next year.
In my mind I’ve been calling it “cocooning.”
Maybe it’s because I’ve spent the last couple of weeks in a quieter state than usual. I know life will be changing soon, in a good way, in a couple weeks because of the new job.
I also knew this Christmas was going to look a little different with just me, El Hub and Connor (it’s a long story). Anywho, I anticipated it being a more introspective and a quieter holiday with just the three of us, and Rosie of course, and with us sticking at home and not doing any traveling. But it was one of the best holidays ever because we got the ultimate gift from friends and neighbors in our lives — the gift of time, attention and thoughtfulness.
We gave and got impromptu invitations to lunches and hang out sessions. There were snacks and chats and time spent with human and animal friends – so many dogs and cats!
A girl, her pomelo and her bestie dog friend (that’s Bella, by the way)
It’s funny how food brings people together, and how meals with friends can teach you new things about yourself, too. I found out that I don’t hate arugula pesto and that Connor absolutely *loves* pomelo fruit.
Connor and I found out we’re obsessed with our neighbor’s rice porridge, aka burbur ayam, aka Indonesian chicken congee.
Our neighbor, Linda, originally from Indonesia, is the cutest lady and one of the best home cooks I’ve ever known. She sent her husband over with a huge bowl of this porridge with all the fixings yesterday morning, and seriously, Connor and I inhaled it in record time.
We ate this porridge like there was no tomorrow
It’s kinda funny to me because when I was growing up, I had to eat the Filipino version of rice porridge over the holidays, and it was never my favorite. All these years I just assumed all rice porridge dishes were bland and gummy, but my neighbor’s version was life changing. I dreamt of Linda’s porridge last night, no joke!
Anywho, the last few days have all been so quiet and lovely.
I’m looking forward to cocooning even more today on the couch with a book, blanket, a cup of coffee and my favorite people.
What I’m reading right meow
Santa brought Connor this book for Christmas
Oh, so that this post is remotely beauty related, please note in the top pic the weird bun my hair is in. Have you had yours in a weird bun for the last few days, too? Eventually I might wrestle mine out of it, ha ha ha.
I may or may not put on some makeup, eventually. I’m contemplating finally removing the last remnants of the Essie manicure that’s been holding onto dear life for the last few weeks, but maybe not. I might just let nature take its course.
Sending you virtual hugs and good thoughts and good vibes. I hope things on your end are excellent and that you’ve had a peaceful and happy holiday season so far.
Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,

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