A stray dog struggles to find food, water, and shelter. It is a tiring task they are forced to do repeatedly. It is more challenging when a dog is pregnant and has to fend for herself and the lives of her unborn pups. These mother dogs face hardships that we, as compassionate individuals, can only imagine. Fortunately, there are kind people who don’t hesitate to save animals in need. One mother dog gave birth to her puppies on the beach. While the rest of the litter was healthy, one puppy had swallowed sand and couldn’t breathe.
The little puppy yelped between his laboring breaths and was finally heard by volunteers working nearby. They rushed over, eager to help. One woman picked up the puppy while the others excitedly screamed. They were in a desperate situation and it was difficult to stay calm. The woman laid the puppy on his back and stroked his abdomen to get fresh air into his lungs. This only worked for so long.
His little body couldn’t handle the stress the sand had caused, and he stopped breathing altogether. He lay lifeless in her arms. The rescuers frantically watched and hollered to the woman to begin CPR. She stroked harder, pressing down more aggressively on his little lungs. This seemed to help and he finally took a deep breath. When he cried, the rescuers knew he would be okay. What a huge victory!
The mama and her litter were rushed to the vet, where the entire family received proper care. All were healthy enough to go to a foster home and soon their forever families. This moving and emotionally charged video is too awesome to miss. Click play on the short video below to experience it for yourself!
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