All This Dog Mastered Was Hardship And When To Flee From Danger

Shania was a homeless dog deeply fearful of human contact, often observing cautiously before fleeing. If anyone tried to catch her, she ran away as if people were going to hurt her. Her past was obviously littered with trauma. Her situation grew urgent as she was heavily pregnant and a record-breaking snowstorm was on the horizon. It was under these precarious circumstances that the call came through to rescuers: Shania had given birth and was momentarily stationary, giving the volunteers a chance to safely retrieve her and her newborn puppies.

Once safely at the rescue, Shania proved to be an exemplary mother, diligently caring for her tiny puppies, all of whom were healthy despite their small size. Initially, because of her feral nature, Shania avoided any interaction with people. The team at the rescue center patiently worked with her, starting with hand feeding to build trust. “You’re doing such a good job, Shania,” they would encourage her gently.
Sign Petition Today: New Bill Makes it Illegal to Discriminate Against Dogs!Dogs face harmful stereotypes, with breeds like pit bulls and Rottweilers legally discriminated against, affecting their survival chances. A new bill seeks to eliminate breed restrictions in public housing, promoting fair treatment and aligning with scientific evidence.

Despite her sweet and patient temperament, Shania struggled with being leashed, exhibiting a fight-or-flight response. However, she quickly adapted to the sensation of leash pressure. “Good girl, there you go,” her caregivers would praise as she learned to walk without tugging, eventually prancing confidently alongside them, never straining against the leash.
Over time, all of Shania’s puppies grew strong and were adopted into loving homes. As Shania settled into the rescue center, her transformation continued. She was introduced to the yard and the house, where her demeanor slowly shifted towards happiness, particularly when she met Otis, another rescue dog. The interaction sparked a noticeable change in Shania, her tail beginning to wag more frequently.

Following the lead of Otis and the other rescue dogs, Shania grew increasingly comfortable with human presence. Just days before moving to her forever home, she began seeking affection actively, joining her rescuers on the couch for cuddles and offering kisses.

The most profound testament to Shania’s change was witnessed in her adoptive home. There, she showed the greatest confidence, cuddling with the children and being cherished by all. The rescuers, who visit her every few weeks, are thrilled by her progress. “She has been doing amazing there,” they noted in the video below. They were filled with joy at seeing her thrive in a loving environment, a stark contrast to the fearful, elusive creature she once was.

Click the video below to witness Shania’s incredible transformation

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