I have a theory about Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales and while I think they’ll be the last we see for a while. Has anyone noticed the sales are a little bit fewer this year? It happened very quietly last year as well but it wasn’t as obvious as it is this year. I think Black Friday and Cyber Monday may be somewhat less of a big deal than they were as lately brands have been throwing out their best deals well before those two days. And it feels like Black Friday is a month long thing that starts as early as the last week of October leading into the actual day. 40% off at Bath and Body Works, Buy 1, Get 1 Free offers everywhere, 40% off at Victoria’s Secret, etc…etc..! These types of deals are normally reserved for Black Friday and Cyber Monday but we’ve seen a lot of both from brands lately. I mean, Bath and Body Works had select Holiday on sale not once but twice at a buy 1, get 1 free offer. I’ve never seen that type of BOGO before from them!
You know what we’ve seen fewer of? Sales from beauty brands! Remember how I had mentioned it was a good idea to think about what you buy at Sephora during the Savings Event because so many brands do their own sales that are way better? I haven’t actually seen that this year. It’s been a LONG time since I’ve seen a Youth to the People sale, Supergoop is another one I haven’t seen a sale from since Summer, etc…! A few brands have fallen short this year giving us a sale every other day. We’ve had some Holidays like Columbus Day, Election Day, and Veteran’s Day where normally sales would be plentiful but this year it seemed very quite. I noticed that the 4th of July, Memorial Day, and Labor Day sales weren’t as massive as they normally are. Are brands and department stores conditioning us to expect less sales?
I do think we’ll still see a lot of sales Black Friday and Cyber Monday but I think that will be all until the New Year and Boxing Day. Last year, I noticed that once we got past those major sale days that the deals became less and less as we got nearer and nearer to Christmas. And after Boxing Day and all the Holiday clearance is cleared up I think we likely won’t see any other deals until Spring and Mother’s Day. I could be wrong but the deals and sales seem a lot less lately. How do you feel about them? Do they fell as fast as furious as ever or are they falling a little flat this year?