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Kiwi is a very popular fruit for human consumption because it is packed with fiber and brimming with antioxidants. This green fruit also contains folate and a good variety of vitamins. Kiwis are also considered a good treat food for Bearded Dragons. It contains vitamins C, E, and K as well as the aforementioned fiber and folate. It has a beneficial calcium-to-phosphorus ratio of 1:1 and does not contain any fat.
However, it should only be fed as an occasional treat, given only once every few weeks, because it also contains oxalates, and these can be harmful to your Beardie when fed in too high a concentration because it can lead to bone disease.
Read on for more information about the benefits of kiwi for Bearded Dragons, as well as precautions and a feeding guide, along with some information on other fruits and vegetables you can feed your lizard.
Bearded Dragon Diet
Generally, Bearded Dragons are omnivores, and they will eat a combination of insects and plant-based foods. Their diet should consist of half and half. Insects most commonly fed to Bearded Dragons include roaches, crickets, locusts, and mealworms.
The plant-based portion of the diet should include a good variety of different vegetables. Common choices include collard greens, watercress, kale, and cabbage. You can also feed smaller amounts of carrots, sprouts, and cucumber, while also giving the occasional fruit-based treat. Such treats include apples, bananas, mangos, and kiwis.
Image Credit: Nicole Lienemann, Shutterstock
Bearded Dragons and Kiwi
Kiwi is considered a treat food, which means it should not make up a major part of a Beardie’s diet. It should only be fed approximately once a month, but it is considered one of the more beneficial fruits to give Beardies.
Image Credit: Piqsels
Kiwi Benefits
Even though you can give Bearded Dragons fruit as an occasional treat, this doesn’t mean that any fruit will do. Kiwi is known to have certain benefits when fed in moderation.
It contains antioxidants that help fight inflammation and can help maintain a healthy immune and digestive system.
It also contains vitamins C, E, and K that support the immune system, reduce inflammation, and help strengthen bones.
Potassium encourages a strong and healthy heart while fiber aids in healthy digestion.
Folate strengthens tissue and keeps cells healthy.
There is also no fat in kiwis, so it won’t lead to obesity.
Finally, Bearded Dragon foods should have a calcium-to-phosphorus ratio of between 1:1 and 1:2 with kiwi hitting the sweet spot with a ratio of 1:1.
Kiwi Precautions
For all the benefits kiwi has to offer your Bearded Dragon, it isn’t all good news. Although the amount isn’t as high as in some fruits, kiwi does contain oxalates. Feeding foods that are too high in oxalates can, over time, cause metabolic bone disease. Calcium supplementation helps prevent this bone disease, but you also need to limit foods that have medium to high levels of oxalates.
How to Feed Kiwi
Ideally, you should choose organic kiwi to avoid chemicals and other substances found in non-organic foods. Wash the kiwi well before serving, even though you will be scooping the flesh from the skin. Only feed when the kiwi is ripe and use a spoon to scoop out the middle of the fruit. You can feed this as is or add it to greens and other vegetables to make an appealing Bearded Dragon salad.
Image Credit: Deb Kletch, Shutterstock
The 5 Vegetables You Can Feed Bearded Dragons
You should never feed avocados or rhubarb to Bearded Dragons because they are toxic, but there is a good range of fruit and vegetables you can feed, including:
1. Cactus
Not everybody has easy access to cactus pads, but if you do then you can feed them to your Bearded Dragon as a daily staple food ingredient. Cacti are high in calcium and also contain antioxidants as well as fiber and vitamin C. Make sure you remove the sharp thorns and only feed the inner flesh.
2. Collard Greens
Image credit: Barbara Jackson, Pixabay
Collard greens are another great daily food for your Beardie thanks to their ideal calcium-to-phosphorus ratio and their high content of vitamins A, C, E, and K.
3. Mustard Greens
Mustard Greens can be fed daily. They are high in calcium and are another good source of vitamins A, C, and K. Many Bearded Dragons like the mustardy, peppery kick they have to offer.
4. Cabbage
Image Credit: stanbalik, Pixabay
Goitrogenic foods can prevent the thyroid from producing hormones, and cabbage is a goitrogenic ingredient. However, it can be fed in moderation, typically every couple of weeks, and it is beneficial because of its vitamin C content. You can feed green or napa cabbage to your Beardie.
5. Pea Sprouts
Pea sprouts are another vegetable that can be fed every week or two because they contain a lot of phosphorus. They also contain vitamins A and K, making them a healthy occasional treat, as long as you properly manage calcium and phosphorus levels in your lizard’s diet.
Bearded Dragons are omnivores. They eat a combination of meat and plant-based foods, with around half of their diet made of insects and the rest made up of a combination of vegetables and some fruits. Kiwis do contain oxalates, which means too much kiwi is bad for your Bearded Dragon. But they also contain antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins A, C, and K, as well as folate and calcium. They can be fed approximately once a month and your Beardie will enjoy their health benefits without running the risk of consuming too much oxalic acid.
It is good to ensure your Dragon is getting a good mixture of different fruit and vegetables and you can incorporate kiwis into this mixture.
Featured Image Credit: Piqsels