Can Dogs Eat Couscous? Vet-Reviewed Nutrition Facts & FAQ – Dogster

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Couscous has become an increasingly popular grain in people’s diets because it’s delicious, versatile, and healthy. If you make couscous often and have a dog, you might have wondered if this food is safe to give to your pup. After all, rice is safe for dogs to eat (and good for them if they have to be on a bland diet), and couscous is practically the same thing, right?
While couscous differs from rice, it’s perfectly safe for canines to consume. However, there are some caveats to feeding couscous to your dog, such as that it needs to be plain. What else should you know? Keep reading to find out!

How Is Couscous Different From Rice?
Couscous may seem like a grain similar to rice, but it’s actually a tiny pasta! Whole-grain couscous is made from barley or durum wheat and comes in three varieties: Lebanese, Moroccan, and Israeli. Despite technically being pasta, this food is considered a healthy alternative for those who aren’t fans of rice and similar grains.
Image Credit: Yulia Furman, Shutterstock
Why Can Dogs Eat Couscous?
Dogs can safely eat couscous because it’s a whole grain, and whole grains are fine for canines (at least in moderation). This pasta isn’t toxic to pups and can actually offer them some health benefits. Of course, you need to make sure you stick to plain couscous only when it comes to feeding it to your pet. Otherwise, you could run into issues!
Benefits of Feeding Couscous to Dogs
What sort of health benefits does couscous offer your favorite canine? Well, it’s an excellent source of carbohydrates, for starters. Carbohydrates provide energy, and your pup needs energy to accomplish all the running and playing they do.
This food is also high in fiber, which helps dogs feel fuller for longer and is good for digestive health. Plus, couscous is low in fat, so you don’t have to feel guilty about feeding it to your pup. It is rich is selenium, which is a healthy antioxidant. This pasta also contains magnesium, protein, minerals, and vitamins essential to your dog’s well-being.
Dangers of Feeding Couscous to Dogs
Don’t give couscous to a dog who is allergic or has a sensitivity to wheat. Because this product is made from wheat, giving it to a pup with a wheat or gluten intolerance probably wouldn’t end well. Too much can also lead to an upset stomach.
Then, there’s the risk you take if you give your pup couscous that isn’t plain. If your dog eats couscous that is ready-made or seasoned in some way, the couscous could contain a spice or other ingredient that is toxic to your pet. (Particularly if the couscous has been flavored with anything from the Allium family, like onion or garlic!) Only feed plain, unseasoned couscous to canines.
Image Credit: New Africa, Shutterstock

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Have other questions about couscous and canines? We have answers! Here are a couple more things people are curious about when it comes to feeding couscous to their dogs.
How do I feed couscous to my dog?
We’ve already mentioned that any couscous should be cooked for dogs plain and unseasoned. An ideal way to give it to your pup is to mix it with some boiled chicken breast, pumpkin, or broccoli. Just don’t give them a whole meal’s worth. This should be a treat and giving too much can lead to unhealthy weight gain, since most of your pup’s calories will come from their usual dog food. In general, you should ask your vet before adding anything new into your dog’s diet.
Image Credit: Dmytro Zinkevych, Shutterstock
Does couscous need to be cooked before my pup eats it?
We recommend cooking couscous as this improves the digestibility of the food, reducing the risk of gastrointestinal upsets. However you can give it uncooked, just keep in mind that when this food is uncooked and comes in contact with water, it expands. That means you must be careful with how much you give your dog. If you give them too much, the uncooked couscous could end up swelling in their stomach and causing discomfort or possibly even blockages.

Couscous is perfectly safe for most dogs, provided you limit how much they eat and only serve it plain and unseasoned. This healthy pasta has some health benefits for your pup (though it also comes with a few risks) and can make a nice treat for your pop. If you want to start giving your dog couscous, we recommend you talk to your vet about how much is suitable for your them.

Featured Image Credit: Svetlana Monyakova, Shutterstock

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