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Before changing your dog’s/ cat’s diet or introducing new ingredients or supplements that they haven’t eaten before, especially when it comes to human food, make sure to consult your veterinarian first. Every dog/cat is different and requires an individual approach to nutrition, depending on their age, health, level of activity, and medical history. The guidelines offered in our article have been fact-checked and approved by a veterinarian but should be used as a mere guide on food safety, rather than an individual nutrition plan.
You might be familiar with lotus root from stews and soups, but is it safe for dogs? You’ll be pleased to learn that lotus root is safe to share with your dog. It’s not toxic and has some health benefits. So, let’s look at how you can share this starchy vegetable with your dog safely.
Benefits of Cooked Lotus Root
Lotus roots are the tuberous roots of the lotus plant (Nelumbo nucifera). So, what exactly are the benefits of this vegetable? First, it’s rich in antioxidants for humans, which may benefit your dog too. It also contains a significant amount of potassium, which promotes healthy circulation. The extra fiber will also help to promote healthy digestion. Overall, lotus root is a low calorie, healthy treat for dogs.
Before you add something new to your dog’s menu, it’s a good idea to run it past your veterinarian first.
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Risks of Eating Too Much Lotus Root
Too much lotus root can lead to gastrointestinal issues and an upset stomach. Therefore, you should serve lotus root to your dog in moderation.
It can be an occasional treat but should not become part of your pet’s regular diet. Treats should only make up around 10% of your dog’s diet, with the rest coming from their regular dog food.
How to Serve Lotus Root to Your Dog
The lotus root must be washed and can be cooked before sharing it with your dog. Slice it into bite-sized pieces before boiling or steaming it. Keep it plain, with no added oil, syrup, seasoning, herbs, or spices. Some spices can cause an upset stomach, while plants in the garlic and onion family are toxic to dogs. Syrup is not healthy because it adds nutritionally lacking calories to your dog’s diet, which can lead to weight gain and obesity over time.
Image Credit: AYO Production, Shutterstock
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Can Dogs Eat Any Other Vegetables?
There are plenty of healthy vegetables you can share with your dog. Just ensure you wash everything, cut them into bite-sized pieces, and remove any seeds, pits, cores, leaves, or stems.
Bell Peppers
Brussels Sprouts
Green Beans
Do Dogs Need to Eat Vegetables?
Your dog should be getting everything they need from their regular diet. However, there is no harm in adding the odd piece of fruit or vegetable as a treat. Just make sure you check that it’s safe first.
Image Credit: Wild As Light, Shutterstock
What Should You Do if Your Dog Eats Food They Shouldn’t?
The answer to this question depends on the food and how long ago they’ve eaten it.
If your dog eats something poisonous, such as onions, you might notice signs like diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, loss of appetite, and lethargy. Signs can develop within a few days of consumption. Onion causes damage to red blood cells, so it’s important to act fast. You should:
Prevent further access to the food.
Determine how much they’ve eaten and in what time frame.
Call your veterinarian or animal poison control and follow their instructions.
If you are ever worried about something your dog has eaten, are unsure if you can add something new to their diet, or need advice about what to feed your dog, contact your vet. They are your best resource and know your dog well enough to suggest something suitable and help you avoid anything harmful.
Final Thoughts
Lotus root is safe for dogs to eat, but it is recommended to serve in moderation to avoid an upset stomach. Do not give lotus root with additional seasoning or syrup covered varieties as these are usually unhealthy. If you are unsure which tasty treats your dog can enjoy, or your dog has eaten something they shouldn’t have, ask your vet for advice.
Featured Image Credit: kungfu01, Shutterstock