Can Dogs Have Cumin? Vet-Reviewed Nutrition Facts & FAQ – Dogster

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When you think about giving your dog a bite of your food as a treat, you probably don’t think about what spices the food contains. You should, though, as some spices are toxic to our canine companions, so even a small amount found on a piece of meat could prove deadly for your pet. Cumin is one of the more popular spices around and is used in a plethora of dishes, so you may wonder if dogs can have cumin.
Cumin is not toxic to dogs, so it is safe for them to occasionally eat in minimal amounts. So, that chicken with the cumin on it is totally fine to give your pup! However, this spice doesn’t provide any real health benefits for your pup because of the minute amount they’re limited to consuming, so adding some to homemade dog treats or dog food won’t offer any real benefit.

What Is Cumin?
Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) is a spice, of course, but where does it come from? This spice is made from a plant of the same name, from the parsley family. The seed-like fruits are taken from the plant and then ground to create the spice used in cooking. For humans, this spice has many health benefits, like antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, but these benefits are negligible for canines since they can’t eat a lot of cumin at a time.
Image Credit: Sahil Ghosh, Shutterstock
Why Can Dogs Eat Cumin?
Canines can eat cumin because it isn’t toxic to them. However, not being toxic doesn’t necessarily equal being totally safe, either. As long as your dog only consumes a small amount of cumin at a time, they’ll be perfectly fine, but if you give them too much, it could lead to them having gastrointestinal issues. Keep the cumin to a minimum on any food you plan to give your pup, and no problems should arise!

Benefits of Feeding Cumin to Dogs
Because cumin is full of minerals and vitamins, like vitamins B6 and E, iron, calcium, and magnesium, it’s a terrific spice to use in cooking.
As stated previously, cumin can offer humans a ton of potential health benefits, including:

Boosting the immune system
Helping to keep cholesterol levels low
Aiding in weight loss
Regulating blood pressure

However, just because cumin is excellent for people, it doesn’t necessarily make it great for dogs. Despite being so chock-full of good stuff, dogs don’t receive many (or any) health benefits from this spice because they can only eat tiny quantities of it.
That said, if there are any health benefits to feeding cumin to your pup, they would possibly include:
Risks of Feeding Cumin to Dogs
There are no significant risks in feeding cumin to your furry pal, as cumin isn’t toxic to canines. The only real risk comes from giving too much cumin to your dog, as this could cause them to suffer gastrointestinal problems, like diarrhea or gassiness. Cumin may also not be the best for pups with extremely sensitive stomachs, as even a small amount of this spice might cause them to become nauseous or suffer from excessive gas.
Always speak to your vet before adding a spice to your pup’s diet!
Image Credit: UfaBizPhoto, Shutterstock

How Much Cumin Should I Give My Dog?
So, how much is “not a lot”? The amount of cumin your canine companion should be allowed depends on their weight. Larger breed dogs can be allowed up to a single teaspoon at a time, while smaller breeds should stick to a quarter teaspoon or less.
If you’re giving your dog cumin for the first time, you want to only start with a single small pinch, though. This enables you to see if they like the smell and flavor of this spice and whether it upsets their stomach. If all goes well, you can give them a bit more next time.
Image Credit: Boonchuay1970, Shutterstock

While cumin isn’t toxic to dogs, too much can lead to a majorly upset stomach. If you stick to the recommended amount according to your dog’s weight, though, your pet should be absolutely fine. However, avoid this spice for dogs with sensitive stomachs, as even small amounts may prove too much for them!

Featured Image Credit: SerPhoto, Shutterstock

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