Cat Broke into a Townhome, When Family Walked in They Found Kittens on Their Guest Room Bed

A stray cat broke into a townhome. When the family walked in the next day, they found kittens on their guest room bed.DreamCloud and her kittensCheshire Cat RescueA family couldn’t believe their eyes when they entered their guest room to find a litter of kittens lying on their bed.A heavily pregnant stray cat had somehow snuck into their home, possibly during the middle of the night. “In the excessive heat wave we’ve been having, she did what any smart, determined mama would do,” Shauna, founder of Cheshire Cat Rescue, shared with Love Meow.The cat gave birth to six calico kittens in the comfort of a home, on a mattress, safely sheltered from the elements.The cat snuck into a home and gave birth to six kittens on the guest room bedCheshire Cat RescueThe homeowner walked into quite the surprise the next day. “They contacted a local rescuer who, in turn, reached out to us (Cheshire Cat Rescue) to see if we could take the family in.”Shauna and her team sprang into action. With a humane trap, they were able to secure the mother cat and her six newborns.Cheshire Cat RescueUpon arrival at the rescue, the cat, DreamCloud, looked wary with wide eyes, hissing and growling at people. “I had a feeling she was just being protective over her new babies.”Shauna settled the family of seven into a comfy, temperature-controlled condo with plenty of soft blankets and round-the-clock room service.All of the kittens are calicosCheshire Cat RescueDreamCloud immediately dove into mommy duties, showering her kittens with unconditional love. She stayed by their side and only moved when she needed food or used the litter box.Shauna gave the mother cat time and space to feel comfortable and talked to her softly to ease her worries.Cheshire Cat Rescue”After a few days, I started noticing her responding to my voice by rubbing her head on her blankets. I slowly reached in to pet her, and she totally leaned into it.”DreamCloud melted into her foster mom as she lowered her guard and began to trust.Cheshire Cat RescueShe has been a doting mother to her demanding six. She keeps their bellies full and coats immaculately clean, ensuring all their needs are met.”She is super attentive. As soon as one of her little girls cries, she runs to lie down with them. She also watches closely if I handle them (to weigh or check on them) and will look so concerned.”Cheshire Cat RescueWith the kittens’ eyes opening and their legs growing stronger, DreamCloud keeps tabs on them, making sure they don’t wander too far.The sweet mama is coming out of her shell and displaying her desire to be loved now that she has embraced the luxuries of indoor life.She warmed up to her foster mom and leaned into her for petsCheshire Cat RescueOnce her kittens are weaned and old enough to be independent, she can focus on being a cat again (no more pregnancies), doing what she loves, and embark on a new chapter where she can be the queen of her castle.DreamCloud is coming out of her shellCheshire Cat RescueDreamCloud snuck into a home so her kittens could have a better life. The little family is thriving in foster care, and the kittens are getting more adventurous each day.They are opening their eyes and getting more active each dayCheshire Cat RescueShare this story with your friends. More on DreamCloud, her kittens, and Cheshire Cat Rescue on Instagram and Facebook.Related story: Cat is Relieved When a Dog Offers to Help Care for Her Six Kittens After They Arrive From Shelter

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