A cat rubbed up against a person for letting her in to raise her kittens after weeks of living in an animal shelter.HelenaBestFriends FelinesAn animal rescuer reached out to Best Friends Felines about a heavily pregnant cat desperately needing placement. The expectant mom named Helena had stayed in a rural shelter for a few weeks, but the shelter didn’t have the resources to keep her much longer.One of the carers from Best Friends Felines offered to take her. With the help of many volunteers, Helena finally left shelter life and was safely transported to her foster home. “She charmed everyone along the way with her sweet nature,” Best Friends Felines shared.Helena settled in beautifully with her foster mom and immediately started purring and seeking affection.She is very friendly and snugglyBestFriends FelinesShe seemed grateful to be out of the stressful shelter environment and to have a spacious room with all the amenities. She plopped down on her new blanket and sprawled out comfortably, purring up a storm.”She is extremely social and loves attention. She is devouring food like nobody’s business.”BestFriends FelinesHer belly grew rounder each day, and her voracious appetite never waned. Just when they thought her belly was about to pop, it continued to grow. They began to wonder if it was going to be a large litter or just a few huge babies.Helena was enamored with her foster mom, cuddling up to her whenever she could. She talked to her with the sweetest chirps and meows as if she were telling her life story.BestFriends Felines”She really is a delightful lady and is so friendly and smoochy. She is in my lap as often as she can be, purring away while I have my hand on her belly, feeling her babies move around.”During this week, Helena welcomed four rotund babies into the world. “Newborns are normally between 90g to 110g. Helena’s babies were at 113-148g. She coped really well considering the size of them.”She gave birth to four healthy and big babiesBestFriends FelinesHelena had one brown tabby and three white kittens — a pleasant surprise as the foster family anticipated tabbies and grays. They imagined the father to be a large white cat.”Helena is a very attentive mother and is so proud of her babies.” She caters to the kittens’ every whim, cleaning, nursing, and making sure they are loved, but the second her foster mom enters the nursery, Helena turns into a baby herself.There are three white kittens and one brown tabbyBestFriends Felines”She is still super talkative and friendly. As soon as you go into her room, she will start chatting away, then make a beeline for your lap where she will make herself quite comfortable.”Helena is thrilled to have a dedicated carer to help her with her last litter, ensuring she has plenty of food to fill her belly and a comfy nest for her little family to snooze in.BestFriends FelinesIn the next few weeks, the kittens will open their eyes to see the world and take their first steps to explore the vastness around them.”The kittens are gaining an amazing amount of weight and are super chonky, perfect little beans.”BestFriends FelinesOnce they are weaned and ready for adoption, Helena will officially retire from motherhood. She will be the center of attention of a very lucky family who will provide a lifetime of love and comfort she so deserves.BestFriends FelinesShare this story with your friends. More on Helena and Best Friends Felines on Instagram and Facebook.Related story: Kitten was So Small When He was Found, Now He Fetched ‘Gifts’ for His Humans Each Day