Cats display many interesting, amusing, and sometimes frustrating behaviors. One that can stir up all three emotions in us humans is “slapping.” A cat ...
Firefighters from the Spring Hill Fire Department in Tennessee rescued two cats and a dog from a burning third-floor apartment, reports say. The fire ...
I love when my cat Simba rubs against my leg once I return home from work or when I open his favorite canned food. There’s always the added bonus when he ...
Spring is here! The warmer weather is the perfect time to introduce your indoor cat to the joys of the great outdoors. Outdoor activities provide ...
About a month ago, Robert received a call that would dramatically alter his life. On the other end was a voice delivering news he never anticipated—his ...
A cat who has the appearance of a mini puma opened his heart and learned what it means to be adored.LawrenceTabby's PlaceFor years, Lawrence, the tabby cat, ...
Cats’ digestive systems are quite similar to those of people. Which means they can fart just the same as we do. Cats generally fart because they have ...
Owners across the UK have under two weeks left to enter their extraordinary cat into this year’s National Cat Awards. Run by the charity Cats Protection, ...
A cat rescued in a near-death state back in 2022 recently landed a modelling gig with Target, and his foster parent couldn’t be prouder. The feline, now ...
Melina Grin / Changing your cat’s food requires careful consideration and planning. Having lived with multiple cats at different life stages and ...
Experiencing a sense of mourning for our pets as they age, even while they are still with us, is a natural part of the emotional bond we share with them. ...
Terriers. Who doesn’t love them? Beautiful and extremely intelligent, with lots of engaging characteristics, it’s no big mystery why they’re so popular ...