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Hi, I’m Dr. Maja! Read my introduction to learn more about me and Miki, the kitten who made me a cat person.
Life these days can be quite busy and somewhat stressful, don’t you think? We’ve all been there. Constant rush to get ahead of all the responsibilities and chores, balancing work and personal life, and before you know it, the feeling of being overwhelmed kicks in. Everyone has a way to deal with their everyday stress, and one of my ways is my animals. They help me regain my balance and have so far taught me some very valuable life lessons.
Does Miki Know When I’m Stressed?
Being fairly new at cat ownership, I have to honestly say that I haven’t noticed Miki being very aware of my different emotional states. He often seems quite indifferent and will equally seek my company, whether I am feeling happy or sad. My dogs on the other hand, seem a bit more intuitive or maybe just keen to please, and seem more aligned with my emotions and moods.
Still, having Miki curl up on my chest or my shoulder, or falling asleep in my lap, after a long day, is a certain way to cure all aches and insecurities. This is one of my favorite moments, and while he was a kitten, it was a daily occurrence initiated by Miki himself. Now being a year-old, he is more independent and inquisitive, meaning I often need to extort the cuddles from him using treats. But, it still does the trick.
How Miki and the Dogs Help Me Relax
Having animals impacts one’s life significantly, and brings a certain degree of its own stress, caring for their health and welfare. But if you embrace it fully, there are so many positives. Just observing my animals explore their world, getting into trouble, finding very peculiar ways to deal with their surroundings and me as their guardian, often makes me laugh. There’s difficult times and challenges as well, but with them by my side, generally there is always something to smile about. Watching Miki play with the dogs, with them being so gentle with him, climbing trees and getting excited about little things like flowers and rustling leaves, certainly puts some things into perspective.
Just being outside, doing my steps every day while walking and playing with them, also has a positive impact on my physical and mental well-being. Many people, particularly those who do not have pets, may doubt animals’ intelligence and emotions, but for anyone who ever owned a cat, it’s clear as daylight. Cats are intelligent, very aware, and observant of their environment, and they are even superior to us in some important life matters.
Lessons I Learned Through Pet Ownership
Watching Miki every day, it’s so clear that he lives in the moment, and is not burdened about the past or the future. Only the present exists. This is a lesson so many of us struggle with, but for this little furry feline, it comes naturally. I see him “fail” at many things, and he just shakes it off and keeps going. It took him a while to learn how to climb trees, and more importantly, how to get back down, to find his way around the land, to hunt, which I don’t approve entirely of, but that’s a different story, and so much more. But he does not procrastinate or feel bad, he just keeps going, learning and getting better. This is something, as simple as it sounds, that resonates with me a lot, and I have learned so much from him and the dogs.
Watching them start their morning with a good stretch out, is also something my back would certainly benefit from. So instead of dismissing little things that my animals do instinctually, I am trying to learn from them.
The Answer Is In The Little Things
Paying attention to my environment and people around me, being aware of my body and anything that may ache, and allowing myself to stop and rest, is another thing I am learning, living with Miki and the dogs. I don’t always act on it as often as I should, and they are there to remind me that it’s okay to slow down, get excited about the smallest things such as seeing a beautiful and rare bird of prey high in the skies and just enjoy the warm breeze for a little while, before continuing with all the tasks that will still be there.
This article is a part of Dr. Maja and Miki’s series.