Cats and Thunderstorms: Run Miki, Run

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Hi, I’m Dr. Maja! Read my introduction to learn more about me and Miki, the kitten who made me a cat person.
Where I live, we do get a few thunderstorms in the summertime, but they are generally not too bad. It seems like they have been getting stronger and scarier over the past few years. I have had dogs my whole life and none of them were particularly fussed about the thunder and lighting, except my newest rescue Hela, who likes to join in with howling and gets a bit worried. However, just a few weeks ago, Miki experienced his first proper thunderstorm, and he was caught outside when it happened.
Just Another Sunny Day
The day began like any other. We went for a nice morning walk, the two dogs, Miki and me. Upon returning home, I started gardening while the dogs relaxed in the sunshine. Miki was up to no good as always, venturing away to the nearest field, around a mile away. I wasn’t too worried as we go there every day, and he returns after a few hours of stalking and pouncing. I was mowing the lawn, enjoying the sunshine, not paying attention to the sudden build-up of clouds.
The Sky Got Black
The storm clouds approaching…
Before I could even grasp what was happening, I heard the thunderstorm approaching. Without wasting too much time, I secured the doors and windows and turned the power off. It started to rain almost immediately. I grabbed the dogs quickly and got them inside, although we were all wet within a minute, due to the heavy rain. And then my heart sank, where is the cat?
Where Is Miki?
I ran back out and called out for Miki, who will almost always come. I started walking towards the field, which was around a 10-minute walk, when the thunder started to hit not too far away from the house. It was one of the few times in my life I got genuinely scared. Miki’s GPS was showing he was still in the same field, but I was too anxious about walking there as the weather was getting worse. I jumped into the car as I had no other ideas on my mind, and my heart was pounding in my chest, thinking how terrified Miki must feel and whether he was okay.
Soaked to the Skin
I drove to the field which took less than 2 minutes, and couldn’t even step outside due to the severity of the shower. Seeing lightning hit nearby got me shaking, but I stepped out where the GPS was showing Miki’s last location, and started calling him. Within a few seconds, I heard a very familiar but severely distressed meow. Miki ran towards me from inside some bushes and stopped on the road a few feet from me. The car engine was running, but he didn’t seem afraid of it. He was soaked wet and shaking, yowling and looking the most distressed that I have ever seen him in his life. My heart broke.
Recovering with Lava’s help
Will He Remember This?
I picked him up and ran back to the car. He had never been inside the car without a carrier, and he instantly jumped into the back seat. As I turned the car around and started driving back to the house, he stopped meowing and was already much calmer. I carried him in, both of us soaking wet, but I could see he was already at ease. For the next half an hour, I dried him with a towel, cuddled him, and spoiled him and the dogs with treats. I closed all the windows so the thunder wasn’t as obvious and turned on some relaxing tunes. Miki fell asleep next to Lava, his emotional support dog. The storm was slowly subsiding and you could feel a sense of peace in the air.

Ready For Next Time
Miki seemed emotionally unaffected by this horrible experience, as a few hours later we were all back outside, enjoying the rest of the day, as if the storm never happened. But I couldn’t get over that horrendous-sounding meow that sent chills down my spine.
I have now become very weather conscious and every time I see there’s even a slim chance of a thunderstorm, I get all the animals inside well ahead of the anticipated time. Miki is generally not impressed by it as he loves being outside, but it’s the only way to keep him safe and dry, whether he knows it or not.
This article is a part of Dr. Maja and Miki’s series.

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