Dog Creates Hole In Fence to Reunite with His ‘Beloved’ Friend Next Door

When Elizabeth Potter, a dedicated nurse residing in Red Wing, Minnesota, stumbled upon a mysterious hole in the backyard fence her husband had painstakingly constructed, she was utterly perplexed. The couple cherished their Saint Bernard, Everest, a gentle giant with a heartwarming bond to their neighbor’s equally large Mastiff, Bear. Little did they know, this unique friendship between the two dogs would soon become the catalyst for a series of surprising and amusing events that highlighted the lengths to which animals will go to be with those they love.

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Everest and Bear’s connection was undeniable. Despite being separated by a sturdy fence, their affection for each other was evident. The dogs, one male and the other female, were determined to be together. The fence, no matter how solid, was not going to stand in their way.
These two gentle giants, using their formidable heads, managed to create a hole in the fence. This small opening was their window to the world on the other side, allowing them to see and communicate with each other. At first, the owners didn’t realize what was happening. They simply noticed their dogs staring intently at a particular spot on the fence, seemingly entranced.
Curiosity eventually got the better of Elizabeth, and she investigated further. To her astonishment, she discovered Everest and Bear had worked together to make a hole in the fence. Elizabeth recounted to Metro, “It wasn’t until Bear poked his head out that I realized they had ruined the fence my husband had built. I thought it was hilarious. Dogs will be dogs.”

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Elizabeth found the situation quite amusing, although it wasn’t the first time Everest had damaged something valuable. Her husband, however, was less than thrilled. The fence had been a labor of love, built to keep their yard secure. Now, it was compromised by their dog’s determination to be with his friend.
The dog owners decided to document this heartwarming and humorous scenario. They captured videos of the dogs’ attempts to get closer through the hole in the fence. The footage shows Everest sticking his head through the opening, inviting Bear into their yard. As Everest steps back, Bear’s head appears, much to the owners’ delight and amazement.

In the video, Bear tries to push his leg through the hole, while Everest encourages him with affectionate licks on the head. The bond between the two dogs is palpable. Eventually, they succeed in being together, and the video shows them playing joyfully in the same yard, relishing each other’s company.

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Recognizing they couldn’t allow their pets to continually damage the fence, Elizabeth and her husband decided to find a more permanent solution. Elizabeth explained, “My husband and the neighbors decided to install a swinging metal gate. Now, Bear can enter our yard anytime, and we can use their hot tub whenever.”
This new arrangement proved to be a perfect solution for both families. The dogs could now have their playdates without causing any more damage, and the owners had a new perk with access to the neighbor’s hot tub. It was a win-win situation that brought joy and convenience to everyone involved.

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Sign Petition Today: Neighbors Hear Abuse Through the Walls

A concerned woman has been trying to report clear evidence of animal abuse to authorities for more than a year—but police haven’t done anything. Two years ago, the woman began hearing the sounds of a dog screaming in pain in one of her neighbor’s condo units.
Everest and Bear’s friendship serves as a touching reminder of the lengths to which animals will go for companionship. Their story, filled with determination, creativity, and a bit of humor, showcases the deep connections that can form between pets. It also highlights the importance of understanding and adapting to our pets’ needs, even if it means making a few changes to our surroundings.
This tale of two dogs and their hole in the fence has brought smiles to many and serves as a heartwarming example of the unbreakable bonds that can form between animals. Everest and Bear’s adventure, from creating a hole to having their own swinging gate, is a testament to the power of friendship and the joy it can bring into our lives.
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