Having a chronic illness isn’t just challenging; it’s frightening. Symptoms can appear out of nowhere, and the sheer randomness of occurrence makes living alone nearly impossible. Thankfully, we have service animals that work tirelessly to keep their owners safe. Their intelligence and intuition give many people their lives back and aid in their owner’s independence. One such dog, named Echo, is a beautiful Border Collie. He has a sassy, playful side that keeps his mom, Jaime, smiling on a daily basis. However, he’s not just there for Jaime’s entertainment and companionship. He is with his mom to do an important job: save her life.
One day, Jaime was filming Echo when he made his way on top of the refrigerator to lounge about. Jaime had to share her dog’s agility and cleverness with friends and family. But then she started feeling unwell. Echo began to bark because he smelled a change in her body chemistry. Jaime knew she had to lie down immediately. As Jaime laid down, her chronic illness reared its ugly head. Jaime is epileptic.
Sensing Jaime’s impending seizure, Echo quickly climbed down from the fridge and made his way over to her. First, he grabbed a bottle of her emergency meds and handed them to her. Then, as she began to seize, Echo climbed on top of Jaime to keep her still. Since she suffers from tonic-clonic seizures, her body movements become erratic and she can hurt herself. Echo’s gentle pressure and support help keep her safe.
As the seizure began to pass, Echo remained with Jaime until she was ready to sit up. His loyalty and compassion go beyond his job. He loves his mom and wants nothing more than for her to be okay. Thanks to Jaime’s security cameras, you can watch the entire scene play out in the video below.
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