Welcome to Week 12 of our 15 week countdown to retirement! (Just click over to HERE if you missed the big announcement.) Today’s post is one of our favorite interactions between Waffles and Ellie. Waffles has always been such a good sport when it comes to his harness, santa suit, and other silly fashion statements we’ve tried out with him over the years. When Glogirly saw the cowboy mouse online, well…she just couldn’t resist. And sweet Ellie couldn’t resist having a little fun with Mr. Waffles and Mr. Mouse.WAFFLES: Hang on, Mr. Mouse! This bucking mancat’s got your number!ELLIE: I don’t think you bucked him very hard, Mr. Waffles. He’s still there.WAFFLES: What, is this guy velcroed onto me or something?WAFFLES: That would totally be cheating. Ellie! Come over here and help me out.ELLIE: You’re right Mr. Waffles. Mr. Mouse has velcro pants. WAFFLES: Velcro pants???! ELLIE: Velcro pants, Mr. Waffles. Should we report him to the rodeo officials?WAFFLES: I think velcro pants are punishment enough.It’s Halloween tomorrow! Or today, depending on when you’re tuning in. Although we don’t have any trick or treaters visiting us in the Mountains, Glogirly is still a sucker for a mancat cowboy with a mouse saddled up on his back. (!)Not to worry… no mancats or mice were harmed in the making of these photos. Waffles (and Ellie by default) got plenty of treats after their quick photo session. We hope you have a super fun and safe Halloween!ELLIE: Sorry about the velcro pants, Mr. Mouse.