Welcome to Week 6 of our 15 week countdown to retirement! (Just click over to HERE if you missed the big announcement.) Since it’s April 15 today, we thought it would be fun to share Ellie and Waffles take on taxes. In between skiing, Glogirly managed to find time to prep all her records for the big tax day and the kitties OF COURSE had to help. WAFFLES: Whaddaya mean you can’t deduct our toys on your taxes??? ELLIE: Glogirly says that’s not how it works, Mr. Waffles. She also said you don’t even know what a deduction is.WAFFLES: I do too know what a deduct is.ELLIE: You mean a deduction? WAFFLES: That’s what I said. And our toys should totally be a deduct. And our litter, and our food.ELLIE: Glogirly said you also have to pay taxes to claim deductions. Do you pay taxes, Mr. Waffles?WAFFLES: PAY?? You mean like with real money and stuff?WAFFLES: This whole tax thing is no fun at all.