ELLIE: Mr. Waffles! Thanks for my New Years kiss! WAFFLES: That wasn’t a kiss, Ellie. I’m just checking your fur for leftover dinner crumbs.ELLIE: That’s ok, Mr. Waffles. I won’t tell anyone about our New Years kiss.WAFFLES: Not a kiss, Ellie. ELLIE: Well maybe I’ll tell just a couple of people.WAFFLES: Still. Not. A kiss. ELLIE: I love you too, Mr. Waffles.WAFFLES: You’re ok too, Ellie. But still not a kiss.Happy New Year!As we ring in 2024 we can’t help but think of how grateful we are for our dear friends and readers. Thank you for welcoming us into your hearts and inboxes all these years. You’re like family to us. And for us, that’s what the holiday season is all about. Family and friends. We also want to share our wishes with those that are alone, missing someone they love, struggling, or sad. Please know that you are in our hearts and never alone.