Hi I’m Back (Sort Of) and I Has a Sad That Joann’s Is Closing All Stores

Hi there! Remember me? Sorry, I’ve been MIA for a bit. I’ve been traveling and didn’t have time to blog. I hope everyone is doing well and hanging in there. And hopefully, you aren’t frozen wherever you are. It’s a cloudy but lovely 50 degrees in England today and my mom tells me New York is having some of the same back home. Last week we were in Sweden and they had pretty much the same crazy weather we left at home. But it was rather nice with all the ice and chilliness. But I don’t trust this first bit of Spring at all. I just know March is going to be brutal.
Did you hear Joanna’s is going out of business? I’m so sad! During the pandemic I started getting into weird crap like Diamond Art kits and places like Joann’s were my sanctuary and safe place when the world felt chaotic. Not to mention, I love going there to pick over their seasonal collections! They always have the best Halloween stuff like my massive mortuary sign that I used in my haunted hotel Halloween theme a few years ago. My boyfriend had to struggle with me to take it down when Halloween was over as I just wanted to leave it hanging in the foyer looking all spooky cool.
Like most stores lately Joann has been struggling hard and due to sluggish sales and inventory shortages they filed for bankruptcy protection for the second time in a year. But now it’s time to say goodbye sadly. Joanna’s is closing 500 of their stores which is more than half of their locations and will close the rest very shortly. Stores will immediately start offering inventory discounts starting at 20% off and up to 70% off select seasonal items.
In a statement on their website the store posted the following, “Joann leadership, our board, advisers and legal partners made every possible effort to pursue a more favorable outcome that would keep the company in business, we are committed to working constructively with the winning bidder to ensure an orderly wind-down of operations that minimizes the impact on all our stakeholders.”
I realize this isn’t beauty but I thought I’d say anyway as we do occasional talk home goods on the blog. I was pretty sad to hear about their closing! Christmas Tree Stores, Bed, Bath, and Beyond, Macy’s, more and more stores are closing. It feels like we won’t have many brick and mortar locations in the years ahead. I fear this trend will continue as online sales remain strong.
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