Homeopathy is a medical philosophy that has many users effectively worldwide for acute diseases and chronic conditions. It is used by people but given to animals alike to cure diseases in a more natural way. The main idea of homeopathy is to cure the disease from its roots.
It does not only treat the symptoms as in conventional medicine. Homeopathy is derived from the Latin “similia similibus curentur” which means “like cures like”. It is based on the belief that the body can heal itself by producing the same symptoms of the ailment.
Homeopathic medicines are molecule size doses of natural substances. They come from the body system, plants, minerals, or even toxic substances. In cats, homeopathic remedies are very successful.
History Of Homeopathy
Already in the 4th century BC, the famous Greek physician Hippocrates referenced to the medical principle of “like cure like”. However, over the centuries, this philosophy got lost. It was revived by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann.
He invented homeopathy in the year 1796. Hahnemann used homeopathic remedies also on animals as the beginning of veterinary homeopathy. He experimented to find the minimum dose of the correct remedy that was required to cure a disease.
Disease symptoms are affected by their circumstances and conditions, their so-called modality. Throughout the 19th century, homeopathy became a popular treatment method in Europe and the US.
Homeopathy went out of popularity in the early 20th century due to the steep rise of the mighty pharmaceutical industry. Its renaissance came in the 1970s with lots of interest and fields of applications until today.
Preparation Of Remedies
Homeopathic remedies are prepared in a very special way. The doses are diluted and mixed vigorously in the succussion process. This methodical serial dilution and succussion is called potentization. The potentization in homeopathic remedies is available even in the infinitely diluted solution.
Many people are often confused about the description of homeopathic medicines such as C, X, D or mother tincture. All those potencies are the explanation of the level of dilutions.
For example, mother tincture is the source material, the lowest possible dilution of a substance. C stands for a 1:100 dilution whereas X (or D) is a 1:10 dilution.
The figure after those letters reflects the numbers of doing the dilutions. Those potencies are administered either in little round bits, the so-called globuli, lactose pills, powder, or liquid preparations.
Myths And Bias Of Homeopathy
Your practitioner may choose to administer either a single substance or several substances intended to address multiple symptoms.
Some sceptics regard homeopathy as a pseudo-science that does not work or bring any results. Many studies have been done on the inefficiency of homeopathic medicines as the pharmaceutical companies’ lobby is very strong due to the huge amount of money involved.
Homeopathic medicines are usually very cheap, easily affordable, and widely available without prescription compared to much more expensive conventional medicines. Another issue is the fact of lacking replicable research studies and scientific evidence in homeopathic medicine.
The so-called placebo effect is commonly used to describe homeopathic treatment success. This effect means that humans imagine to have received a real drug which can lead to a cure. In veterinary medicine, a placebo effect in animals can be regarded as highly unlikely as animals are not able to distinguish between a conventional drug or a homeopathic medicine.
It’s only the outcome, the cure, that counts in this case. We as trained veterinary homeopaths can clearly see the difference in our animal patients before and after a homeopathic treatment.
Therefore, we know very well that it works even in those cases where conventional drugs are not available or fail to heal the patient.
Use Of Homeopathy
Homeopathy is used for the treatment of a wide number of chronic and acute diseases. Worldwide, over 200 million people use homeopathy, among them 6 million in the US alone. In 2009 already US$ 2.9 billion was spent in the US alone on health care with homeopathic medicines with linear rising tendency.
Benefits Of Homeopathy
Homeopathy has major benefits compared with conventional drugs. The main one is that they do not have side effects and can be well used for all different kinds of diseases.
In animals, they can be used for a wide variety of animal species. Moreover, they do not destroy the gut and intestinal flora which is the case in antibiotic treatments. Homeopathic remedies do not have a negative impact on the immune system, and they do not cause allergies.
In contrast, there are some dilutions that can help to improve the immune status of the patient. Long term treatment even over several years can be performed without any damage to the organ system.
Its cost efficiency and easy storage helps to use them also in developing countries.
Are Homeopathic Remedies Safe For Cats?
Due to its dilution process, homeopathic remedies are safe as they cannot be overdosed like conventional drugs. Furthermore, they are not toxic.
Can Homeopathic Medicines Be Combined With Conventional Veterinary Medicines?
The best way of using homeopathic medicines is always to use them alone as this shows their efficiency very clearly. Thus said, it is very well possible to give the patient a combined treatment with conventional drugs that are supported by homeopathic remedies. This kind of combined treatment can lead to good results, too.
Use Of Homeopathy In Veterinary Medicine
Hemopathy is successfully used in many animal species. Traditionally large animals and farm animals such as cows, horses and sheep were the largest area for their usage.
Nowadays small animals like cats, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs and exotics are often treated with homeopathic medicines. All different kinds of birds in particular respond very well to those remedies, too.
Special Advantages Of Homeopathy For Cats
Homeopathic remedies in cats are widely distributed with remarkable success, either for diseases or behavioral problems like anxiety and stress. They can also boost the cat’s immune system which is especially helpful in kittens with respiratory problems such as cat flu.
Homeopathic complex remedies are efficient in conjunctivitis in cats and infectious diseases such as enteritis.
A study revealed that out of 270 cats, the diseases most frequently treated with homeopathy was skin problems followed by kidney failure, hyperthyroidism, and lately also other prominent conditions such as arthritis and overgrooming.
In 80% of the surveyed cats, moderate or major improvement was achieved in cases of arthritis. Skin problems or dermatitis improved in 69.6% of cats, and hyperthyroidism in 66.7%.
Even in kidney failure cases, still a moderate improvement of 57.1% could be observed with homeopathic treatment. This has been confirmed by another study even in the case of chronic kidney insufficiency which helps to stop the progression of the disease. Homeopathic remedies are used even in behaviour trainings of cats.
Quick Homeopathy Guide To Treat Common Cat Problems
It can be normal for some cats to drool a little when they are very relaxed and content.
Homeopathy Remedies For Gingivitis In Cats
Acitum nitricum
Arsenicum album
Mercurius solubilis
Carbo vegetabilis,
Also Read: Feline Gingivitis: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment
Homeopathic Remedies For Vomiting In Cats
You can identify whether your cat is vomiting or regurgitating by observing him in the act. Regurgitating is quick and looks almost effortless.
Nux vomica (general gastrointestinal remedy, helps also in constipation)
Also Read: Cat Vomiting: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment
Homeopathic Remedies For Cats With Allergies
Echinacea – stimulates the immune system
Allium cepa – watery eyes, dripping nose, mucous membranes problems
Natrum muriaticum – sneezing, cough
Ferrum phosphoricum – swelling
Also Read: Allergies In Cats: Causes, Symptoms & Treatments
Homeopathic Remedies For Dermatitis In Cats
Itching, Scratching, Skin Allergies, Flea Allergy Dermatitis
Histaminum Hydrochloricum
Skin Abscesses (To Help Open The Abscess), Removal Of Foreign Bodies (E.g. Thorns, Seeds) From The Skin
Skin Infections
Scalds, Burns
Also Read: Atopic Dermatitis In Cats: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
Homeopathic Remedies For Kidney Problems And Cystitis In Cats
Berberis vulgaris
Solidago virgaurea
Also Read: Kidney Failure In Cats: Symptoms, Diagnosis, & Treatment
Homeopathic Remedies For Pancreatitis In Cats
Arsenicum album
Nux vomica
Iris versicolor
Also Read: Pancreatitis In Cats: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment
Homeopathic remedies are most often given as a single substance. Very useful in animals and cats are C30 and C200 dilutions which are among the most frequently used homeopathic potencies. In acute cases like accidents and traumas, the homeopathic medicine can be given every 30 minutes whereas in general the frequency of 1 to 3 times daily is more common.
In veterinary medicine, diseases are frequently treated with complex or combination preparations. They contain a group of carefully matched homeopathic substances in various potencies.
In cats, complex preparations can be recommended very well for anxiety, dermatitis, behavior and kidney problems. Homeopathic complex preparations with additional herbal medicines are used very successfully in cats, too.
Who Is Practicing Veterinary Homeopathy?
In order to obtain veterinary homeopathy for your cat, you will have to find a clinician who is authorized to practice as a veterinary homeopath.
It depends on the country who is authorized to practice homeopathy. In the US and Canada, their Veterinary Medical Associations determine veterinary homeopathy as part of veterinary medicine.
Therefore, only licensed DVMs can become veterinary homeopaths which has the great advantage that the veterinarian can decide with profound knowledge which kind of medicine for treatment to use in each case.
In Europe, it depends on the country but there is the possibility that a veterinary homeopath or holistic veterinarian is a trained and certified homeopathic practitioner who does not have a veterinary medicine degree and works in a more holistic natural medicine practice with acupuncture, Bach flowers and natural health remedies.
How Expensive Are Homeopathic Remedies?
Homeopathic remedies are very affordable and range on average between US$ 4-US$ 10 and sometimes up to US$ 20. They are usually not covered by pet insurances or pet owners require an upgrade of the insurance policy.
Despite the controversy regarding its efficiency, homeopathy is very beneficial for the treatment of acute, chronic ailments and behavioral problems in cats and dogs and other animals.
It should be in the hands of an experienced homeopathic veterinarian, preferably a veterinarian with homeopathic knowledge.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does homeopathy work for cats?
Homeopathic remedies in cats are widely distributed with remarkable success either in acute or chronic disease. Even behavioral problems such as anxiety and stress can be treated.
What are the side effects of homeopathic medicine?
Homeopathy doesn’t have any side effects. However, an aggravation of the ailment condition is often observed at the onset of the homeopathic treatment. This might be mistaken with side effects.
In contrast, this is the clear sign that the medicine works as intended and the patient’s body starts fighting back the disease by displaying its symptoms.
What is the best homeopathic remedy for pain?
Some of the most powerful homeopathic remedies for pain is Arnica, Aconitum napellus (aconite), Bryonia, Belladonna and Rhus toxicodendron (rhus tox). However, the best homeopathic remedy for pain always depends on the kind of pain, location, and strength upon which the appropriate remedy will be decided.
Cats.com uses high-quality, credible sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the claims in our articles. This content is regularly reviewed and updated for accuracy. Visit our About Us page to learn about our standards and meet our veterinary review board.
A closer look at veterinary homeopathy | American Veterinary Medical Association (avma.org)
HRI – Homeopathy use around the world (hri-research.org)
National Health Statistics Reports Number 18, July 30, 2009 (cdc.gov)
National Health Statistics Reports Number 79 February 10, 2015 (cdc.gov)
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Anetzhofer, J.. Echinacea compositum ad us. vet. in der Therapie von Infektionskrankheiten. BTM, 10(2), 46-60, 1993
Homeopathic prescribing for chronic conditions in feline and canine veterinary practice (facultyofhomeopathy.org)
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Alternative medicines to help with behavioral training (Proceedings) | DVM 360