First sleep in his new bed.
Hi, I’m Nicole! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my distinguished Burmese, Mr. Baby Cat.
Last week I shared that we finally received our Nest Bed after many many months of waiting thanks to long-Covid symptoms in our shipping/postal industry down in New Zealand. I was definitely the most excited about what was inside the box, but Baby Cat definitely showed interest immediately, though he didn’t immediately get snuggly inside.
Where I left you last week was with Baby Cat laying next to his Nest bed on the couch, still in the courting phase.
I am happy to report that only a few short hours later, we put the Nest beside the fire, and our little man stepped right into it and snuggled in for a cozy fireside snooze!
So…in fewer than 6 hours we had love. I’d say that’s pretty much love at first sight.
I wasn’t shocked, because we have heard so many testimonials from our customers about how they’ve searched for the perfect bed for years, tried everything, and finally, they found the Nest, and they can’t get their cats out of them! But, of course, I was nervous that maybe our boy would be the outlier.
We’re over a week in now and he absolutely loves his Nest bed, we haven’t removed his old tower bed from the house yet, but he hasn’t even so much as looked at it! If you’re in the market for a new cat bed, I truly cannot recommend the Nest enough. It looks modern and stylish in our house, and it’s so portable and functional for our little guy, we can put him on the couch, on the desk, or just on the floor by the fire, without disturbing him if we move him mid-sleep!
I thought I’d put together a little helpful guide, too, to anyone that gets their kitty a new bed, to help cultivate the same ‘love-at-first-sight’ feelings we experienced in our home.
How to Help Your Cat Fall in Love With Their New Bed
1. Choose the right bed
Make sure the bed is comfortable and appropriately sized for your cat. It’s hard to know what they enjoy or like without trial and error, but trusting reviews and other cats’ experiences can be super helpful here. The beauty of the Nest bed is that it fits cats big and small, there’s space for blankets inside if cats want extra cushioning, but it’s super cozy and ergonomic on its own.
Just a bit cozy!
2. Place the bed in a familiar spot.
Put the new bed in a place where your cat already likes to sleep or spend time, in our case, we put it on the couch and beside the fire. This can help them feel more comfortable approaching the new bed, so they know exactly what it should be used for (not that they necessarily need help finding spots to snooze).
3. Use familiar scents
Cats are very scent-oriented, so placing a blanket, towel, or an item of clothing that smells like you or your cat in the bed can make it more inviting. You can also rub a towel on your cat and then on the bed to transfer their scent.
4. Encourage exploration
Place some of your cat’s favorite toys or treats in the new bed to encourage your cat to explore it. This can create a positive association with the bed right from the moment it arrives in your home.
5. Give it time
Don’t force your cat to use the new bed. Placing them in gently so they understand they can and should go inside is one thing, but continuously forcing it upon them will only stress them out. Allow your cat to explore the new bed on their own terms. Some cats may take to a new bed right away, while others may need a few days or even weeks. If it’s taking weeks, though, it might be stressful for you. Get more treats in there and ensure you’ve got the other steps covered.
I’m interested, but not ready yet.
6. Positive reinforcement
Reward your cat with praise, petting, or treats whenever they show interest in or use the new bed. This reinforces the idea that the bed is a good place.
7. Maintain a calm environment
Ensure that the area around the new bed is quiet and peaceful, without too much foot traffic or loud noises that could make your cat feel anxious. This was not really possible in our home with the dogs and the toddler but we did end up putting a little blanket over half of the Nest to make it more cave-like once Baby got more accustomed to it and he LOVED that.
Loving His Nest Bed
By following the above steps we had Baby Cat and his Nest Bed joined together after less than a day. While I can’t guarantee that this will happen for all cats, we have heard so many similar reports and stories from customers and have seen so many relaxed and happy cats in their beds that I can only say that it’s absolutely worth the try. Seeing how much he loves snuggling inside his new bed makes the wait so worth it, and it’s so cool to give our old boy something new and special that’s comfortable on his joints and makes him feel a bit spoiled.
We’re headed on holiday with the whole circus later this week and we’ll be bringing the bed, so we’ll see how that goes! Thanks for reading.
This article is a part of Nicole and Baby Cat’s series.