How to Use Aloe Vera to Treat Hair Fall – Know the Benefits – Many of us have to deal with hair fall during winter. It is a common winter hair problem, but the solution to this is not easy to find. At times, hair fall becomes extreme and it gets frustrating to wash or simply comb the hair, because all you can see are clumps of hair everywhere. But dealing with this hair fall and waiting for the winter to go is not the solution. Hair fall is a little tricky to treat. In most cases, when we use chemical filled anti hair fall shampoos, they end up giving us even more hair fall. One of the most effective natural hair fall solution that you can try is aloe vera. This article below will give you a fair idea on how to use aloe vera to treat hair fall.Check – Coconut Oil for Dry Scalp Benefits of Using Aloe Vera to Stop Hair Fall Aloe vera is like a magic ingredient for our skin and hair. It has the ability to treat a number of hair problems including hair fall. Aloe vera is enriched with various nutrients including vitamins A, B12, C, E, folic acid etc. They help in repairing the damaged hair follicles and rejuvenate them by providing superior nourishment. The vitamins present in aloe vera helps to boost new hair growth by increasing cell turnover rate. Vitamin B12 as well as the folic acid content of aloe vera gel prevent hair from falling out. Aloe vera also contains several natural enzymes that boost hair growth significantly. Losing the natural pH balance of the scalp is one of the culprits that lead to hair fall. Aloe vera has the ability to restore the pH balance of the scalp, thus combating hair fall as well as various other hair problems. Excess sebum, dirt, impurities as well as hair styling products often accumulate on the scalp, resulting in severe hair loss. Aloe vera has natural astringent properties, which help with deep cleansing the scalp and removing the impurities. This way, it helps to prevent hair fall. Aloe vera comes with anti fungal benefits as well. Fungal infection on the scalp can cause serious hair fall problem. Aloe vera can destroy the fungus or microbes present on the scalp and thus, combating hair fall due to the same. Dandruff, as we already know, can cause hair fall. And guess what, aloe vera can help you get rid of stubborn dandruff as well. The anti fungal benefits of aloe vera help destroying the dandruff causing fungi, while its natural enzymes deeply clean the scalp off dandruff flakes, thus treating dandruff as well as hair fall caused by the same. Olava Naturals Aloe Vera Gel is a premium quality, 100% pure and non-toxic aloe vera gel. It is a multipurpose product and works equally well for both skin as well as hair. To know more, read the review here. Best Ways to Use Aloe Vera to Treat Hair Fall Naturally 1. Simple Aloe Vera Remedy to Cure Hair Fall How to do? Cut one aloe vera leaf from the plant. Wash it thoroughly and then split it in half. Extract the gel from the inside with a knife or spoon and collect it in a bowl. Or you can use a store-bought pure aloe vera gel. Apply the aloe vera gel directly on the scalp or you can dilute it with some water for easier application. Apply all over the scalp as well as hair and massage gently with your fingertips for few minutes. Leave it on for another 20-30 minutes before rinsing off with a mild shampoo. Reapply this simplest remedy with aloe vera once or twice in a week to treat hair fall naturally. 2. Aloe Vera and Egg Remedy to Stop Hair Fall How to use aloe vera and egg to get rid of hair fall? Break an egg and keep it in a bowl. Add 1-2 tbsp pure aloe vera gel and mix them together. Apply the hair mask all over the hair as well as scalp. Once done, cover your hair with a shower cap and leave the mask on for 30-40 minutes. Rinse off with a gentle shampoo. Reapply this DIY remedy with aloe vera and egg once or twice in a week to fight off hair fall naturally. Benefits – Our hair is made up of 70% keratin, which is a type of protein. Hence we can say protein is the main building block of our hair. Any kind of protein loss affects our hair badly and lead to various hair damages, including hair breakage and hair loss. Eggs are rich in protein. Regular use of egg fulfills protein deficiency, improves hair strength, conditions the hair, repairs the dryness, stops hair fall and also boosts hair growth. Along with protein, sulfur is another essential nutrient for healthy and strong hair. Sulfur can prolong the ‘growth’ phase of our hair growth cycle as well as add strength and elasticity to our hair strands. The white part of the egg, also known as albumin, is rich in sulfur. The main building block of our hair, keratin, contains a high amount of sulfur. Sulfur adds strength and elasticity to our hair, thus preventing a number of hair damages including hair fall. Also, biotin (vitamin B7) is a very important nutrient to stop hair fall. Lack of biotin can make hair dry and lead to uncontrollable hair fall. Egg is a great source of Biotin. It helps to fulfill the deficiency and stop hair fall. Amino acids are also extremely essential in improving hair health. Lysine is one such amino acid, which helps with preventing hair fall. It helps in improving the absorption of iron and zinc by our body. These two minerals are vital for strong and healthy hair. Since our body cannot synthesize Lysine on its own, so we must get this from our diet, and consuming eggs daily is a great way to get Lysine. Excess oil build up on the scalp can cause hair fall. The oil can attract dirt and dust and create a buildup to block the hair follicles. This can further lead to weaker hair and cause hair loss. Egg white, with its astringent properties, helps absorbing the excess oil from the scalp and unclog the hair follicles to stop hair fall. Egg yolks contain a high amount of lutein, which can maintain the natural elasticity of the hair. This helps to avoid brittle hair, split ends and boosts hair growth. Also, egg yolk is a source of vitamins, like Vitamins A and E, biotin, and folate etc. These nutrients provide nourishment to the hair follicles and make them stronger to stop hair fall. 3. Aloe Vera and Green Tea to Curb Hair Fall How to use aloe vera and green tea to get rid of hair fall? Brew a cup of green tea and let it reach room temperature. Take 2-3 tbsp pure aloe vera gel in a bowl and add some green tea there. Mix them together. Apply the resultant mixture all over the scalp as well as hair. Let it stay there for 40-45 minutes and then rinse off everything with a mild shampoo. Reapply this homemade hair fall control remedy with aloe vera and green tea once or twice in a week. Also read How to Use Coconut Oil for Dandruff Removal – Know the Benefits How to Fight Frizzy Hair in Winter – Best DIY Remedies Simple Homemade Curry Leaves Hair Mask to Grow Long Hair Benefits – We know that hormonal activities play a major role in our hair growth as well as hair fall. DHT hormone is one such hormone, which can cause excessive hair fall and male pattern baldness. DHT is actually a derivative of male sex hormone ‘testosteron’. Though it is a male hormone, but women do have a very low level of testosteron present in their body, which can convert to DHT with the help of certain enzymes, and cause excessive hair fall. The catechins present in the green tea has the ability to block the DHT, and thus preventing hair fall. Green tea is rich in nutrients, which is the main reason why it is beneficial for our beauty and health. The polyphenols, specially EGCG present in green tea help in promoting hair growth. Actually, this polyphenol works in cellular level and promotes hair growth. Furthermore, it also adds strength to the hair roots and stimulate the hair follicles to induce new hair growth. Along with this, there are many other compounds found in green tea. Carotenoids, tocopherols, zinc, selenium, ascorbic acid, etc. are known to prevent hair fall and encourage new hair growth. Green tea contains a high amount of vitamins including vitamin B. Vitamin B is known for its several hair benefits. It helps in controlling hair fall as well as treats split ends and improves overall hair texture. Vitamin B is also beneficial to achieve soft and shiny hair. Green tea can break down the plaque in blood vessels, which in turn promotes blood flow to all the organs of our body including scalp. Furthermore, green tea is rich in several anti oxidants as well as vitamins and minerals. These nutrients also boosts blood circulation in our body including scalp. Better blood circulation means the hair cells get maximum nourishment and promote new hair growth. Dry itchy scalp and dandruff are two major reasons that can lead to uncontrollable hair fall. Green tea, with its anti inflammatory benefits, treats such scalp conditions and boosts new hair growth. Healthy hair growth starts from healthy scalp. Therefore, it is must to maintain the health of our scalp. Green tea can help deal with dandruff. Not only dandruff, but the anti fungal properties of green tea can destroy the parasites present on the scalp, which often weaken the hair roots and cause hair fall. 4. Aloe Vera and Apple Cider Vinegar Remedy to Reduce Hair Fall How to use aloe vera and apple cider vinegar to get rid of hair fall? Take two tbsp pure aloe vera gel and mix it with a tbsp of apple cider vinegar. Apply the resultant mixture all over the scalp as well as hair. Massage gently with your fingertips for few minutes. Keep it on for 30-40 minutes and then use a mild shampoo to rinse it off. Reapply this DIY remedy with aloe vera and apple cider vinegar once or twice weekly to control hair fall naturally. Benefits – One of the main ingredients of apple cider vinegar is acetic acid. Acetic acid has natural anti bacterial benefits, which helps in getting rid of bacterial and fungal infections on the scalp. Many at times, fungus and bacteria on the scalp can lead to hair fall in summer and apple cider vinegar helps in preventing that effectively. Dandruff is another reason behind severe hair fall and it can happen due to the presence of fungus on the scalp. Apple cider vinegar, due to its anti bacterial and anti fungal properties, work as a great natural remedy for dandruff. Maintaining the ideal pH level of the hair and scalp is one of the secrets to healthy hair and healthy scalp. Our hair and scalp have a pH level of between 4.5 and 5.5. This pH level helps the scalp to stay protected from fungal infections. But most of the shampoos that we use disrupt this balance and that in turn, results in several hair and scalp issues. Apple cider vinegar contains acidic properties and its pH balance is pretty close to that of our hair. This is why, regular application of apple cider vinegar helps to restore the ideal pH balance of the scalp and hair. Many at times, the hair styling products that we use, end up accumulating on the scalp and close the hair follicles. This not only makes our hair look flat and dull, but also hinders hair growth. The acidic nature of apple cider vinegar helps in deep cleansing the scalp by removing the build up. When used on the scalp, let it sit for 3-4 minutes so that it can break up the molecular structure of the residue and rinse them off easily. Lack of nourishment is a major cause of hair fall. Apple cider vinegar is loaded with various hair-friendly nutrients, which help with providing much needed nourishment to the hair roots and stop hair fall. It is a good source of potassium which helps with hair smoothening and reduces split ends. Split ends are highly damaging for our hair. They can stop hair growth, if not treated on time. Potassium is essential for hair growth. Being rich in nutrients, apple cider vinegar helps to enhance blood circulation in the scalp, which in turn, keeps the scalp healthy and rejuvenated, as well as aids in hair growth. When used regularly, apple cider vinegar restores the protective layer of the hair strands and save it from the damaging affects of UV rays, pollution, dryness etc. Dry hair is more prone to breakage and hair fall. Using apple cider vinegar on hair helps to repair hair texture and smoothens out the hair strands. The natural acidity of apple cider vinegar helps to smoothen out the cuticles of the hair strands and make the hair frizz free and smooth. The cuticles position on our hair strands have a bigger impact on how the hair look. When the cuticles are up, hair becomes frizzy and rough. But when the cuticles are down, our hair feels smooth to touch. Also, these cuticles have a vital role to play to enhance the natural shine of our hair. When the cuticles are down, it helps with better reflection of lights, and make our hair look shiny. So, these were four highly effective ways to use aloe vera to stop hair fall. However, it will be wrong to expect overnight results as natural remedies take time to work. But if you use them consistently, the results will be worth the wait.