It’s Leap Day and Spotify has a special treat for listeners who want to know how their year is going to go. Spotify’s Psychic is ready for any of your desired questions…and the tune that will pair well for your future.
Spotify has offered an incredibly fun way to celebrate Leap Day. One of the most rare events that only happens every four years, Spotify’s psychic can tell you what’s in store whether it’s as soon as lunch or for the long run. Have you ever wondered if you should go further with a situationship or if your shirt matches your bottoms? Look no further than a creative answer with a song.
If you want examples of what songs they’ll give you, I asked the question “Should I cut off all my hair?” and Spotify’s song psychic responded with “Not Today” by BTS (which is one of my favorite bangers, btw. I also did cut off my hair a couple days ago, so techinically the songs prediction was true.) I also asked, “Should I go out tonight?” on this Leap Day and it responded with “yes, and?” by Ariana Grande. Say less!
How to use Spotify’s Psychic
Visit spotify.com/songpsychic on your mobile device.
You can pick from a list of nine topics – School, Style, Lunch, Love, Career, Myself, My Future, Friends & Family, and Life’s Greatest Mysteries.
Spotify has a list of questions ready to ask like: “Should I go on this date?”, “Should I book a vacation?” or even “What should I have for lunch?”
Take a breath before Spotify tells you what song is in store with the future as a cool and interactive contemplation screen will be shown where you can go with the flow.
When the answer appears, you can listen to the song on Spotify, ask another question, and share your song results on social media!