Picture this: You’re relaxing on the couch after a long day, with your sleek black cat comfortably resting on your lap, purring as you stroke her. Not far off, your fluffy husky sits quietly, observing the affection you’re showering on the cat. Everything seems peaceful and serene—until it’s not.
Suddenly, your husky makes it abundantly clear that he’s not happy about being left out. He’s not just quietly sulking either; he’s voicing his displeasure in no uncertain terms. The once tranquil scene turns into a bit of a competition for attention.
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While it may seem like jealousy, animal behaviorist Katenna Jones explains that it’s more about assertiveness or social ranking than actual jealousy as humans understand it. “What you are most likely seeing your pet exhibit is assertive, pushy or rude behavior—e.g., the pet that bulldozes other pets out of the way—or social hierarchy, where a higher-ranking pet displaces another pet,” Jones says.
Another expert, Suzanne Hetts, an applied animal behaviorist, elaborates that pets often show pushy behaviors when they want their owner’s attention. “We have no idea whether a pet’s emotional state is equivalent to what people label as jealousy. In most cases, this is better described as a competitive situation where the pet is competing with another individual—human, dog, cat, or otherwise—for something it wants.”
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In fact, a study has shown that dogs are more likely to display behaviors akin to jealousy when their owners show affection to another dog compared to an object, like a toy or book. This explains why your husky seems so agitated—he feels like he’s losing out in a competition for your attention.
These types of behaviors can vary, from being pushy to showing aggression, or even having minor “temper tantrums.” And it’s not just limited to dogs. We’ve all heard the saying “fight like cats and dogs,” and that’s precisely what could unfold when pets compete for affection, much like what’s happening between your husky and the cat.
Experts recommend feeding pets in separate spaces to prevent any food-related jealousy. Additionally, they suggest ensuring both pets get ample attention and spending time together to foster a healthy relationship.
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“Ignore your dog if he whines or barks while you’re petting the kitty,” the experts advise. “Continue to pet the cat and pretend the dog’s not even there. When your dog calms down and sits quietly, give him a few good scratches.” This way, the dog learns that being calm and well-behaved is the key to getting attention.
However, this technique doesn’t seem to be working with your determined husky. While the cat enjoys its peaceful cuddle, your husky grows more irritated, starting to whine louder, then adding a low growl to express his frustration.
The situation escalates when the husky, throwing his head back, lets out a classic husky howl, clearly communicating his displeasure. His actions resemble a toddler throwing a fit, complete with dramatic flailing. It’s almost as though you can hear his thoughts: “Dad, stop petting that cat and focus on me! I’m the one who deserves your love! Me, me, me!”
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At one point, he even licks his lips, perhaps considering chasing the cat off the lap, but he holds back. Instead, he sits there, intently staring at the cat as if trying to will it to leave. His pointed ears and focused gaze make it obvious that he’s far from giving up.
There’s more howling, barking, and outright disdain directed at the cat, while you continue to pet your feline friend, seemingly unfazed by your dog’s antics. Your partner captures the entire spectacle on video as the jealous dog refuses to share his human.
Old San Juan’s Beloved Cats Are Under Threat
The National Park Service has a plan to potentially euthanize up to 170 feral cats under the guise of nuisance control. Demand a policy that protects these cats!
Just when you think the husky might finally give up, he surprises you. He leans in close to the cat, almost nose to nose, before spinning around wildly, startling the cat off your lap. With the cat out of the way, the husky triumphantly claims victory, placing his paw on you, as if to declare, “You’re mine now, Dad.”
There’s no doubt that this protective and determined husky has made his point: he’s not a fan of sharing attention, especially not with the cat. Watch the hilarious scene unfold in the video below, where the husky’s dissatisfaction is on full display!
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