Indoor Cats & the Great Outdoors: Blue’s Outside Adventures

Hi, I’m Amanda! Read my introduction to learn more about me and Blue, my fluffy fire point Himalayan-Persian cat.
Initially, we thought that Blue was going to be an indoor/outdoor cat when we lived in our first home. Our townhouse at the time had a balcony that overlooked our parking garage and was relatively quiet. We spent as many days as the weather would allow out there. Her curiosity about the world compounded with her desire to be close to us was stronger than her need to be comfy-cosy indoors.
At a young age, Blue was able to get a taste for the fresh air and direct sunlight without the sensory distractions that normally come with being outdoors. One chair specifically of our wicker patio set was her spot. She would come out, hop up, and nap for as long we let her. If there was ever a time when the door was shut with her on the opposing side, up the screen she’d climb. There was even a point that we could let her out by herself and she would never venture off. During the summer months, it became her routine escape from the mundanity of indoor life. We knew this was something we wanted to foster.
Changing Locations
In 2019, we purchased our current home with a giant yard made for exploring. One we thought would be a great place for all of our babies to enjoy. Since relocating is a feat in itself for cats, we gave Blue as much space as she needed to get accustomed to her new surroundings, which meant her love for the wind and rays would have to take a back seat.
Fast forward a few years, Blue is finally ready to see what’s on the other side of the door. A bit of a draft squeaks in from time to time which has kept her content until now.
The first few attempts were short-lived, only managing to sniff the air from the comfort of the porch until an unfamiliar sound struck and back in the house she’d go. We repeated this a few times until she was confident enough to head down to the sidewalk. Unphased by the sound of the air conditioner and regular neighborhood buzz.

Harnessing Her Needs
We introduced her to the Hepper harness to help encourage her to explore beyond the back walkway knowing that we were right by her side. Getting her into the harness at first was a little tricky though. She’d immediately flop onto her side and lay there motionless until we removed it. But with persistence and practice, she’s now happy to wear it. A hug that followed her wherever she went that offered her assurance and security during her explorations.
Luckily for us, she likes to stay within eyesight so we’re never concerned about her leaving the yard or getting into things she shouldn’t. As I’ve mentioned in a previous post, she tends to have a few dog-like attributes, which keep her close to us even when we’re distracted. If we’re headed inside, she’s bound to follow. Something she’s inherited from our Chihuahua, Subi.

Where We’re At Now
Blue still isn’t ready to be outside on her own and I’m not sure we’ll ever want that for her. Although we are in the suburbs, the city can be a scary place for an indoor cat and her wellbeing will always remain our priority. The outings she does have seem to satisfy her longing to be one with nature anyway. Blue’s size has affected her mobility, making her a less-than-active gal on the best of days, so the enrichment these simple journeys provide is unmeasurable. Some days, she simply prefers the indoors, lounging in a sunspot on our kitchen floor watching the birds and rabbits pass by our bay window.

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