A charming ginger cat appeared on a windowsill one day, signaling his readiness to leave behind his life as a stray. This turn of events began when he befriended a young girl outside her home in Brooklyn, New York. She began feeding the cat, providing him a reason to visit daily. However, a twist in the story occurred when the cat showed up one day with an injury. Climbing onto the windowsill, he cried out, expressing his exhaustion with street life and his desire for a family. The compassionate girl who had been feeding him promptly took him to Little Wanderers NYC for medical evaluation and care.
Little Wanderers NYC/Facebook
Despite his challenges, Carlton remained a gentle and loving cat. The veterinarians tended to his needs and determined he was about five years old. Like many strays, Carlton tested positive for FIV, but this did not dampen his spirits. However, it would make it more difficult to secure him a new home.
Little Wanderers NYC/Facebook
Carlton’s story eventually reached Carianne, a seasoned fosterer from Staten Island, New York, who agreed to take him in. Initially, Carlton was understandably wary, but this reaction was typical for any stray adapting to a new indoor life.
Thankfully, Carlton soon settled into his new environment, supported by the efforts of his human caretakers, who ensured he felt safe and loved. He quickly grew to appreciate the comforts of indoor living, relishing in the cuddles and company of his human companions. Carlton thrived as an indoor pet, fully embracing his role as a full-time cuddler.
Little Wanderers NYC/Facebook
With the care provided by the staff at Little Wanderers NYC and Carianne, Carlton has recovered well and is now eagerly awaiting a permanent home where he can continue to share his affection. Play the video below to meet Carlton and see how cuddly he is!
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