Most wedding crashers are typically not welcomed, but Douglas Robert and Tamiris Muzzini greeted their unexpected guest with open arms and eventually made him a permanent member of their family. Muzzini noticed the stray dog outside the church just before she was about to make her entrance on her big day. The dog then chose to act as if he were an invited guest, mingling with others who were officially invited. Muzzini was pleasantly surprised by the dog’s attendance, noting that he didn’t just stick around for the festivities; he stayed to witness the entire ceremony, watching Muzzini and Robert unite in marriage. Although he took a brief nap at the aisle’s end, he joined the other guests in congratulating the newlyweds once the ceremony concluded.
However, Muzzini felt the dog was seeking more than just to offer his congratulations; he seemed to be seeking a new home. Given that they were beginning their new life together, Muzzini and Robert decided to include the dog, whom they named Carmelo, in their family. Carmelo was overjoyed to find such a warm and caring home, especially considering his rough past. An x-ray later showed Carmelo had a broken paw, necessitating a cast. The veterinarian also discovered a scar on his belly, possibly from restraints used by previous owners, and a bruise on his muzzle indicated he might have been mistreated.
Despite his past ordeals, Carmelo’s affectionate nature remained intact. Muzzini and Robert don’t view their act as a rescue but rather believe that Carmelo chose them, bringing joy and vitality into their lives. The story of their meeting and Carmelo’s adoption gained widespread attention, touching hearts all over the globe. Many people were delighted to see Carmelo settling into his new, happy home, expressing gratitude towards his chosen parents for taking him in. Check out the video below courtesy of Carmelo’s Instagram page to see the entire story unfold.
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