ELLIE: …butterflies and birds, squirrels and Cheetos, Mr. Waffles… Zzzzzzz…WAFFLES: You’re dreaming again, Ellie. And wiggling. You know you wiggle when you dream. ELLIE: …watching movies and eating snacks, sleeping on Gloman’s lap. Zzzzzzz….. With Mr. Waffles.WAFFLES: And when you wiggle, you wake me up. ELLIE: …Mr. Waffles, Mr. Waffles, and Mr. Waffles… Zzzzz…WAFFLES: More wiggling, Ellie. ELLIE: …Mr. Waffles… Zzzz…WAFFLES: Still. Wiggling.ELLIE: Zzzzzz.WAFFLES: Finally. Zzzzzz.About Today’s PhotosIs it possible for two kitties to love each other THIS much? It’s clear that Waffles loves being around Ellie, though sometimes he still needs a little mancat time. But Ellie absolutely LIVES for Waffles. She bounces around the house, following him, copying his every move. It’s so much cuteness, our hearts just melt.