Nowadays, we are surrounded by news stories that can drag us down. Life is hard, we understand that, but it’s the joyous moments that keep us going. In the adorable video below, we meet a baby and a puppy who are already bonded at a young age. They thrive off one another; their happiness is both contagious and motivational. Babies, both human and canine alike, remind us that being happy is simple so long as we are surrounded by love and support. Let this story inspire you to spread more happiness today and every day.
Have you ever met a puppy you didn’t like? We haven’t, either. Their clumsy cuteness mixed with bewilderment as they learn the world around them captures our hearts time and time again. We are easily won over by their charm and devotion, knowing they will grow up to make loyal companions to our entire family.
Kids and dogs go together like peanut butter and jelly! Young children, like the tot in the video, think dogs are hilarious. There’s nothing like a baby giggling while their dog licks their face and snuggles into their body. In this specific video, we meet a boy and his best friend. They are gated into a room but would rather be with Mom. The baby stands at the gate, jumping about, hoping to get his mom’s attention and the puppy follows suit.
Soon, the duo’s jumping up and down together and it’s the cutest thing! They even glance over, looking into one another’s eyes to make sure they’re both having fun. Their little dance is sure to put a smile on your face and a pep in your step. Press play to enjoy the short but sweet video. And please don’t forget to share this story with your friends and family so they can smile too!
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