A kitten approached a man in his front yard, brushing against his legs. Next, he got on his shoulder and decided to stay.Elvis the kittenJanna at TikTok@jannaclavelliRoman and Janna had never had a cat, but a kitten inexplicably appeared in their yard, seemingly delivered by the mysterious workings of the “cat distribution system.””My husband, Roman, was doing yard work, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw two tiny eyes looking up at him,” Janna shared with Love Meow. As he turned his head, he was surprised to see a kitten trotting up to him.The little one brushed against his legs, instantly snuggly and affectionate with him.Elvis found his way into the couple’s yardJanna at TikTok@jannaclavelli”We don’t know where he came from. None of the neighbors or anyone in our community is missing a kitten. It’s as if he was dropped from heaven. When I came outside and saw my husband holding Elvis (the kitten), I knew our lives had just changed.”Roman gently held the kitten in his arms and declared without a moment’s hesitation, “I think we have a cat now.”Roman was instantly smitten with the kittenJanna at TikTok@jannaclavelliThe couple quickly stopped by the store to pick up food and supplies. As first-time cat owners, they reached out to the TikTok community for advice and received many helpful tips on how to care for a kitten.”His first day was similar to the first day I brought my baby home from the hospital. We had no idea what to do. We were so in love and in awe, running around all over the place, making sure Kitten was comfortable and safe.”Janna at TikTok@jannaclavelliAfter what seemed like a whirlwind, the couple got it down to a routine, tending to the kitten’s every whim.Little Elvis settled right into his new home, showing interest in toys and strutting around like he owned the place. He quickly discovered his greatest joy was cruising around the house on his humans’ shoulders.Elvis quickly turned into a shoulder catJanna at TikTok@jannaclavelliWhile perching on Roman, Elvis purred and rubbed his soft fur against his cheek as if to say, “You have been chosen.” Roman smiled from ear to ear, completely smitten with his tiny shoulder kitten.”I just remember smiling and laughing the whole rest of that day, saying to Roman, ‘Is this real?'”Janna at TikTok@jannaclavelliWith the help of the online community, Janna gave Elvis a warm bath, kitten food, and a flea comb to help clean him up. Elvis was so calm, soaking up every ounce of love and attention.”He loves to observe us and follow us around the house. He is curious about everything and loves to explore.”He likes to “help” when Janna does choresJanna at TikTok@jannaclavelliIntrigued by Janna scrubbing dishes, Elvis decided to investigate. With a determined leap, he scaled her leg and settled onto her shoulder, supervising her with a purring engine.Eyes wide and focused, Elvis chases after dust bunnies, bats at his fish toy, and pounces with sudden bursts of energy. He may be tiny, but he has the heart of a panther.Janna at TikTok@jannaclavelliJanna never imagined how this small, furry creature could become the missing piece she never knew she was searching for. “I had been struggling with anxiety… but since Elvis entered our lives, it has all gone away. I didn’t know I needed him till he came.”Elvis adores his new family and has formed a lovely bond with the couple’s daughter. They enjoy each other’s company, often side by side like two little explorers venturing through the world together.Elvis adores his little human sisterJanna at TikTok@jannaclavelli”He loves to look at my baby and follow her when she’s crawling around. Some of his favorite things to do are being around us at all times.””I can’t say enough how blessed we are that this little one found us. I had never been a cat person, but when Elvis arrived, my heart flipped, and now I can’t imagine our life without him.”Janna at TikTok@jannaclavelliShare this story with your friends. More on Elvis on TikTok @jannaclavelli.Related story: Cat Gives Indoor Life a Try After Living Outside Most His Life, Turns Out It’s the Best Thing Ever