Kitten Dodging Traffic and Running Away from Everyone is Now Living Out Her Dreams

A kitten once seen dodging traffic and running away from everyone is now living out her dreams.ClaudieChatonsOrphelinsMontrealA tiny stray kitten was seen meowing and zigzagging across a busy street. Trying to dodge traffic and hide, she ran around in all directions.A few passersby from the neighborhood heard her cries and rushed to her rescue. “Alone without a mother, she was lost and panicking,” Chatons Orphelins Montreal shared. “Several people jumped into action to help her.”When they located the kitten, they found her hiding under a vehicle, refusing to come out.ChatonsOrphelinsMontrealThey surrounded the car and lay on the ground, trying to coax the kitten with food in their hands. Within seconds, the little one smelled the food and leaped for it.Despite being terrified, the kitten threw her face into the food, eagerly devouring it. When she was within reach, one of the rescuers picked her up to secure her while the kitten fought tooth and claw.She was very hungry when she was rescuedChatonsOrphelinsMontreal”Fortunately, she wasn’t able to escape and was finally brought to safety.”The kitten, named Claudie, was starving and just skin and bones. Though shaken after the ordeal, she seemed relieved to have food before her and scarfed it down in large bites.ChatonsOrphelinsMontreal”She ate as much as she could and fell asleep with a full belly. She was so lucky to have a group of people who came to her aid and saved her life.”Chatons Orphelins Montreal stepped up to take Claudie, providing her with medical care and a loving foster home. They treated her for fleas and stomach troubles. At about two months old, she weighed less than one pound and had much growing to do.She warmed up to her people when she realized she was safeChatonsOrphelinsMontrealWith gentle strokes, the kitten lowered her guard, giving slow blinks, and let her foster mom wrap her in a blanket for cuddles. As she warmed up to people, she found her purr. Within days, her confidence grew, and she blossomed into a people-cat.”She is very expressive with her ears and has a voracious appetite. She has gained a lot of strength and feels content and comfortable at her foster home.”She came out of her shell at her foster homeChatonsOrphelinsMontrealAfter a few weeks of good food and care, Claudie has filled out nicely and finally caught up in size.”She is both sweet and mischievous. She likes to follow her humans everywhere, curious about what they are doing. She is a ball of energy and can turn any moving thing into a toy.”Her playful side quickly emergedChatonsOrphelinsMontreal”She zooms around after feathers and can keep herself entertained for a long time with little crinkle balls.””She may be tiny but has a diva-like attitude. She meows at her humans when she thinks they aren’t paying enough attention to her, and she prefers sleeping next to them, on their face or in the crook of their neck at night. Sometimes, she wakes them up by licking their nose in the morning.”ChatonsOrphelinsMontrealClaudie switches on her purr engine the moment she’s petted and relishes every play session with her people. She doesn’t allow closed doors and isn’t shy about expressing her “opinions.””She wants to be with her humans at all times.”She’s blossomed into a happy, boisterous young catChatonsOrphelinsMontreal”She enjoys napping in front of the window and spying on the neighbors. If she smells food, she wakes up and comes running.”The former stray found on the busy street is now thriving in foster care, doing what she loves and living out her dreams.ChatonsOrphelinsMontrealShare this story with your friends. More on Claudie and Chatons Orphelins Montreal on Facebook and Instagram.Related story: Big Tom Cat Comes to a House for Food One Day, Changing the Course of His Life

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