Liz Coleman / Cats.com
Do you have a senior cat that has trouble accessing their litter box? Or a small kitten that needs a more suitable potty? The Lucky Champ Litter Pan has a lower entry point than most standard boxes, making it easier for cats to access and reducing the risk of inappropriate elimination. I tested the Lucky Champ with two senior cats and learned a lot about its design, effectiveness, and which cats it suits best. Keep reading to find out if the Lucky Champ makes sense for your household.
Ease of Cleaning – 5/5
Odor Control – 3/5
Appearance – 5/5
Construction – 4/5
Price – 4/5
Overall Score: 4.2/5
Why Trust Cats.com
Our team has spent the last few years learning what makes a good litter box. Equipped with this knowledge, I evaluated the Lucky Champ Litter Pan on several fronts, including its cat-friendliness, construction, and price.
First, we observed my cats’ reaction to this litter box, noting whether or not the step-in design was effective. We also checked how well it contained litter particles and tested its ease of cleaning, paying special attention to the curved corners. Additionally, We read dozens of customer reviews to learn how this litter box performed for cat parents with needs and experiences different from ours.
Lucky Champ Litter Pan and Janibell Inc. Overview
The Lucky Champ is made by Janibell Inc.—a company focused on products for pet waste disposal. Liz Coleman / Cats.com
The Lucky Champ Litter Pan is made by Janibell, Inc., a California-based manufacturer of waste disposal systems for the home, office, healthcare, and childcare facilities. Their products are made in Korea.
The brand’s low-profile litter pan offers an easy entry that works well for cats at all life stages: from tiny kittens to less agile seniors. Along with the Lucky Champ Litter Pan, the company carries a “Litter Champ,” which is a cat litter disposal system similar to the Litter Genie. They also make a disposal system for dog training pads called the “Training Champ.” They sell pet waste bags as well.
Lucky Champ Litter Pan Features
Floyd inspects the Lucky Champ. Liz Coleman / Cats.com
The main selling point of the Lucky Champ is its low entry point. This feature makes the box more accessible to cats who might find it difficult to enter a standard litter box, such as senior cats, kittens, small cats, arthritic cats, or those with mobility issues. It can also be a useful solution for cats recovering from an injury. The front of the box has a lip that can be used as a step-up, and the high back wall helps prevent litter tracking.
The outside of the box measures 25 X 16.5 X 9 inches, which is pretty standard for this type of tray. The inside dimensions will be a tighter squeeze, measuring 12.5 inches wide and 19.5 inches long. While most cat parents find the length to be adequate, some are unhappy with its narrow width. The Lucky Champ litter box is 9 inches tall at its highest point, and the entry sits at a height of 3.5 inches.
This cat litter box is well-constructed, and the plastic feels sturdy. It should last you a long time. According to the company, the non-porous plastic is designed to withstand stains and odors. The Lucky Champ litter box is moderately priced at just under $30.
What We Like:
Offers easy access
Sturdy construction
Easy to clean
What We Dislike:
Only one color option (gray)
Narrow width
Does not contain litter scatter well
What Did Our Test Cats Think?
The low-profile entry appealed to our senior cat. Liz Coleman / Cats.com
My senior cat doesn’t love trying new things, but she took to this fast. Her age and weight make it harder to get around these days, but the low-profile entryway really helped. It could be a game-changer for seniors unable to use their litter box due to limited mobility. My cat found it plenty roomy, but some other cat parents found it to be too small for their larger cats to turn around in.
The plastic feels solid and durable and the wide base provides stability for unsteady seniors. This litter box has rubberized side grips to make lifting and carrying easier, but I don’t find them useful. The lip around the entryway might be a helpful boost for some cats. My own cats had no problem with it, but several reviewers said the sloped design of the entry made it tricky for their cat to find their footing.
While my cat used the Lucky Champ right away, she only used it for solids. But I wanted to know how easy or difficult it would be to scoop urine clumps from the corners and whether they would stick to the sides of the pan. So I poured water along the litter box’s sides and corners. The verdict? I had zero issues scooping out clumps along the box’s perimeter. The smooth plastic prevents litter residue from sticking to the sides, and I was able to remove waste easily.
Lots of litter scatter is the expected tradeoff for an accessible entry. Liz Coleman / Cats.com
It’s impossible for any litter box to contain scatter completely, but this one does an especially poor job. Because the front of the pan is so low, litter got everywhere. (Not unlike our messy experience with the low-profile SmartCat Corner Litter Box). Of course, this will be a minor inconvenience for some people if it means their cat can access their litter box. After all, sweeping litter particles is less of a headache than cleaning accidents off the floor. But if untidy floors are a dealbreaker, you may want to pass on this one.
What Do Customers Think of the Lucky Champ Cat Litter Pan?
Positive Reviews
“I have a few senior cats and this is an excellent choice because it has a low point of entry and a high wall in the back just in case you have a vigorous digger like I do.”—Alesha on Chewy.com
“This box has been amazing for both the cat his servants. He is very picky about his box and for the first time the mess ends up in the box not out on the floor. The box is lightweight yet sturdy. It holds enough litter and the wide opening makes the scooping very easy. For the cat, it has a lower entrance and that has been good for him as he ages. Seriously, this box is wonderful and cat-tested, owner-approved.”—DPatrick on Chewy.com
Positive reviews tend to focus on the accessible design of this litter box. It does what it’s supposed to—make it easier for seniors, kittens, and cats with arthritis to enter and exit the box. Additionally, many customers appreciate the Lucky Champ’s durability and stability.
Negative Reviews
“This is a great litter box—if you want kitty litter and cat poop all over your floor. The low front makes it impossible for the litter to stay in the box when the cat is burying their business. It is large and roomy – but a disaster for keeping their business in the box. I do not recommend.”—PetMom on Chewy.com
For a lot of cat parents, the Lucky Champ’s failure to contain scatter was a major downside. It’s not an ideal option for folks who can’t tolerate messy floors. Although the box was spacious enough for my large cats, some users found it too narrow. Finally, several cat owners reported that the sloped entrance actually made it more difficult for their cats to enter the box.
Similar Brands
Looking for other litter box brands similar to Lucky Champ? Check out some of our other brand reviews.
Frequently Asked Questions
What type of litter box is best for older cats?
Old cats may struggle with the same things that older humans do: achy joints and limited mobility. Consequently, they may benefit from an accessible litter box with a lower entry point. They may also appreciate a larger litter box that gives them ample space to find a comfortable position. Finally, a litter box with a built-in step or ramp may be useful.
Do senior cats need a special type of litter?
Not necessarily. Some senior cats might appreciate the softer feel of fine-grain litter. (Grass and walnut make good choices.) A sandy litter that compresses down like clay (rather than large pellets) may also prevent sliding by providing a firmer surface.
Why won’t my elderly cat use the litter box?
There could be several reasons behind an older cat’s inappropriate elimination. Never punish cats for this—they’re not doing it out of spite. It could be a medical reason (i.e., increased urination due to diabetes or kidney disease, a UTI, cognitive dysfunction, limited mobility, or impaired vision). Or it could be a behavioral issue like stress.
It may also just boil down to personal preference: your cat may not like the litter box location or the litter itself. Finally, some cats will potty outside their litter box if it’s too dirty.
How much litter do you put in a cat pan?
Generally, a depth of 1-2 inches will do. This gives cats enough litter to dig around and bury their waste. Some cats might prefer more, and others (such as long-haired cats) might prefer less.