Last summer, a kitten was discovered abandoned near a dumpster in Dorchester, Massachusetts. Not only was he alone, but he was also severely malnourished and dirty. The poor thing was in urgent need of medical care. Fortunately, a compassionate individual found him and quickly brought him to an animal protection center for treatment. The kitten, who was named Nigel, was suffering from a facial infection that had discolored his nose. He was also desperate for affection, which the staff happily provided. The kitten was immediately given antibiotics and painkillers, and lots of pets.
The veterinarians faced a challenging situation when they realized Nigel’s health issues were more severe than initially thought. One day, part of his nose fell off, a condition presumed to be caused by past trauma, possibly from being bitten on the face, leading to an infection and subsequent decay of the nose tissue.
Despite the loss of part of his face, the medical team and volunteers at the center were determined not to give up on Nigel. His altered appearance did not change the fact that he was still a playful and loving kitten deserving of a second chance.
Nigel was placed in a foster home where he received continuous care. After undergoing successful facial surgery, Nigel recovered impressively well. However, during his recovery, his lower canines began to grow into his newly shaped upper lip, necessitating the removal of some teeth, which was also successfully performed by the veterinarians.
The best part of Nigel’s story is that he has found a forever home. He now lives with his new human mom, a certified veterinarian. He also gained two brothers, who, like him, were rescued from the streets. It’s heartening to know that there are people willing to give second chances to vulnerable animals like Nigel, providing them with the love and care they need.
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