Owner Hands Over Dog As If He Never Cared, But She Shows Him Up

Jace, a compassionate individual, was cycling to a basketball game when he saw a distressing sight he couldn’t ignore. On the roadside lay a small dog, visibly wounded and in dire straits. Though Jace was pressed for time, his heart wouldn’t allow him to ignore her plight. He swiftly made calls to arrange for her rescue, setting in motion a change that would transform her life. He reached out to his mother, who promptly called the Mission Pawsible rescue team. When the team arrived, they approached the pup. The little dog, nestled in a corner, defensively warned them to keep their distance. Despite her fear, the team was resolved to help her.

Mission Pawsible/Facebook
Their initial step was to investigate her background. They were appalled to discover she had an owner despite her neglected state. Mission Pawsible shared on Facebook, “She was once a stunning western breed puppy but she wasn’t maintained to the standard of care these animals require so today she is covered in dreadlocks, ticks, fleas and is fearful of most people. This is why people need to be educated around pet care – both physically and mentally.”
Efforts to coax her into a cage were futile until the owner arrived and managed to leash her. “The ‘owner’ agreed for us to take her. The sadness and confusion in Lexie’s eyes was heartbreaking. Removing owned animals from their humans is truly a horrible experience. She may have dreadlocks and been neglected but she still loves that man,” detailed the rescue.

Mission Pawsible/Facebook
Once in safe hands, Lexie was transported to a veterinary clinic where she received a much-needed haircut and meal. Post-grooming, her minor injuries were treated, marking the start of her healing process. Despite her initial heartbreak and depression, the clinic staff were optimistic about her recovery, believing she could learn to trust again. She needed a nurturing environment to thrive.

Fortune smiled on Lexie when Michellina Suminto visited the clinic. Seeking a companion for her dog, Edison, Michellina was instantly drawn to Lexie. Not long after her adoption, Lexie’s fur grew back, revealing a fluffy, adorable dog who quickly became Edison’s inseparable companion.

Mission Pawsible/Facebook
“She is such a brave girl now, I am so proud of her,” Michellina expressed to The Dodo.
From a harrowing start to a joyful life filled with love, Lexie’s journey is a testament to the profound impact of compassion and the second chances it can bring. To watch Lexie’s full rescue and transformative journey, check out The Dodo video below. Thank you to Jace, his mom, the rescue team, and his new family for giving Lexie a happy life!
Click the video below to watch this incredible story!

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