A heartless individual abandoned a litter of puppies near a village and they were aching to be rescued. A woman with Howl Of A Dog arrived on the scene, and the babies scattered about, unsure of her intentions. After their abandonment, the clever dogs were able to crawl through a fence and make their way into a nearby backyard. They found shelter there in a small dilapidated structure. One of the pups stuck his head out from the corner of the shed and peeked out at her, studying her every move. They wanted help, but their interactions with humans had been devastating in the past.
The woman knelt down and put out her hand so they could sniff her. The family whose yard they were staying in couldn’t keep the puppies. Their survival rested on Howl Of A Dog and the organization would not disappoint them. Another volunteer showed up, and she, too, was sniffed out by the pups. Once they approved of their rescuers, it was time to take them back to the rescue center.
Once the puppies were checked out by the vet, and cleared of all diseases and health issues, it was time to focus on cleaning them up and giving them comfort. A week later, the pups are thriving! Despite the horrible state they were left in, the puppies are success stories.
PUPDATE: Since the airing of the video, all the puppies have found their forever homes. Thank you, Howl Of A Dog, for saving these deserving souls. Play the video below to see the pups’ rescue and to learn more about the amazing rescue group.
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