Rescuer Strives to Gain Trust of ‘Angry’ Cat Abandoned at 17 Years Old

It’s hard to know just how many pets are enduring life in abusive homes. By the time they’re rescued, these animals are often left with deep scars of fear, anger, and despair. This was certainly the case for one elderly cat, whose life took a turn for the worse before she was finally saved. Despite her age and the challenges ahead, her rescuers were determined to give her the love and care she had been missing.

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This cat, named Cinnamon, once knew the comfort of a loving home. At 17 years old, she had spent much of her life with an elderly couple who treated her with kindness and affection. But when they passed away, Cinnamon’s world was turned upside down. She was left in the care of relatives who showed little concern for her well-being.

Cinnamon’s new life was filled with fear and cruelty. The people in her new home would chase her with sticks and subjected her to abuse she had never known before. The once content cat became fearful and resentful of humans. Her face, always wearing a frown, seemed to tell the story of the torment she had endured. It was clear that the years of mistreatment had taken a toll on her spirit.

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One day, a volunteer from the Second Chance Animal Rescue Society (SCARS) named Valia Orfanidou came into Cinnamon’s life. Valia was determined to rescue the senior cat and give her a chance at a better life, but she quickly realized it wouldn’t be easy.

Cinnamon’s trust in humans had been shattered. Valia could only enter her room to provide fresh water and food or clean up, while Cinnamon would stay in a distant corner, watching her with wary eyes. If Valia tried to get closer, especially if she was holding a broom, Cinnamon would respond with hisses and aggressive behavior.

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But Valia refused to give up. She began sitting quietly near Cinnamon, hoping to gain her trust. Cinnamon would only glance at her before moving away, but Valia remained patient. Over the months, small changes began to emerge in Cinnamon’s behavior.
“She started allowing you to sit next to her sometimes. She started eating in front of us and moving around the room as if we didn’t pose that much of a threat. Sometimes she would meow to me at the door, but once I entered she would just avoid me again,” Valia recounted.

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Gradually, Cinnamon began to trust Valia. The cat that once shunned all human contact started to show signs of acceptance. Despite the scratches they often received, Valia and the other volunteers continued trying to pet Cinnamon, even resorting to protective gloves to avoid injury. One day, something remarkable happened—Cinnamon allowed Valia to pet her, and for the first time, Valia heard her purr.
“The more I petted, the more she purred. The more she purred, the more I felt like crying with joy,” Valia shared, overwhelmed with happiness.
Sign Petition Today: The Cruelty By This Man Is Unthinkable.

A horrific case of animal cruelty and domestic violence unfolded last year in Fargo, North Dakota. The details are disturbing and tragic. The abuser was sentenced to prison, but we must ensure he never terrorizes another person or animal again.
Cinnamon lived out her final days surrounded by love and care, a stark contrast to the abusive home she once knew. She passed away at the age of 18, having experienced the warmth of human affection once more, thanks to Valia and the other dedicated volunteers. In the end, Cinnamon found peace and love, a testament to the power of kindness and patience.

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